Xin chào, lâu rồi không nhắc đến nên cũng ngượng miệng xíu.
11 năm ra mắt của nhóm nhạc em đu nghiêm túc nhất. 11 năm với mọi người và 10 năm với em nhỉ? Mong rằng em sẽ đi cùng mọi người lâu thật lâu nhé. Năm nay lại chiếu cố em bằng những bản nhạc thật hay những chiếc alb thật xịn nhé.

I’m always wondering what is supposed to be certainty. For all these years I nearly handled my life under my control except for some unexpected circumstances. I handled my work my study my entertainment and so on, but rarely did I handle people’s feelings well. I figured it out that process of work, equations in mathematics, even computer things are the things we can handle with our knowledge and experience, but feelings which I am afraid of failing to understand, are the things full of uncertainty and confusion you may never know.
The difference is, there is no grade in feelings control, we don’t rely on it to feed ourselves. It is not a problem that interfere us to be a better person, it is just a way of relieving, healing and forgiving.

Good evening all my dear friends [奶瓶][炸鸡腿] I’m here [羞嗒嗒] and I can’t share the video with you tonight , I usually transfer my video from my laptop to my phone, then edit it, it’s said the airdrop won’t reduce the quality of videos, however, idk why, but my laptop’s airdrop didn’t work [摊手]. So I could only talk to you [老师好]

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