When the swallows have gone, There is still time of return; when the willow trees have become withered, there is still time to see green; when the peach flowers have already faded, there is still time to blossom. But please tell me, the genius, why then have my day gone but never returned? If someone has stolen them, then who he is? And where are they hidden? If they have escaped by themselves, then where are they now?#广州·陶家巷[地点]#

"In a few years he will graduate and pave his way, alone and unprotected. But I remind myself that he has a father who is still living, a mother who is happy and strong. Whenever he is discouraged, I tell him that if I can survive on three continents, then there is no obstacle he cannot conquer. While the astronauts, heroes forever, spent mere hours on the moon, I have remained in this new world for nearly thirty years. I know that my achievement is quite ordinary. I am not the only man to seek his fortune far from home, and certainly I am not the first. Still, there are times I am bewildered by each mile I have traveled, each meal I have eaten, each person I have known, each room in which I have slept. As ordinary as it all appears, there are times when it is beyond my imagination." (from "Interpreter Of Maladies" by Jhumpa Lahiri)

.Beautiful Friends:Thank you to Andy for inviting me to his birthday party on April 7TH at the 02 Arena in London, and another event in London in July I love love this man Andy C is one of the best EDM DJS in the world I love everything he has achieved in music through being a producer, his record label "Ram Records" and a DJ £30 million is a lot of money, Life is short I'm glad my DJ friend Andy C we are back in each other's lives, I met Andy in 1996 but due to circumstances we didn't see each other from 1996 to 2021 which was 24 years, in 2021 it was a pleasure to be with Andy at his music festival in Margate after not seeing each other for 24 years, in 2022 I was with Andy C again with my boyfriend at The Made Festival in Wolverhampton because of Andy C who was playing at the festival.

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  • 愿你内心阳光,外在强健;愿你喜欢自己,并勇敢地成为自己;愿你幸福,并学会善良;愿你快乐,并拥有快乐的能力;愿你对世界总有好奇,喜欢探究的人生,不会无趣;生活总有
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