上周末去了东京湾海滨公园,the west of Tokyo was so different of the east, 买了防潮餐垫等哪个周末天气好的时候去晒太阳☀️,躺一下听音乐doing nothing

\newtcolorbox[auto counter]{theorem}{%
sharp corners,
attach boxed title to top center,
boxed title style={%
underlay boxed title={%
\fill[fill=magenta](title.north west)--(title.south west)--([xshift=-4ex]title.south west)--([xshift=-4ex]title.north west);
\path([xshift=-2ex,yshift=-0.25ex]title.west) node[inner sep=0pt,text=white]{\faThumbTack};
\fill[fill=magenta](title.north east)--(title.south east)--([xshift=4ex]title.south east)--([xshift=4ex]title.north east);
\path([xshift=2ex,yshift=-0.25ex]title.east) node[inner sep=0pt,text=white]{\faThumbTack};
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This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence. This is just a sample sentence.

The length of life is no longer than spring, summer, autumn and winter; The breadth of life is not more than the north, the south, the west, and the east; The impermanence of life is nothing more than joy and sorrow. People, if they think of things a little simply, look farther ahead, lower their desires, and put their mentality a little flatter, they will reduce a lot of troubles

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