the truth is my enemies hired the Namarri girls,if those bad girls were asked to hurt me,they didn't refuse but hurt my neck and leave me alone on the floor,when I woke up in hospital,there was a strange boy by my side,and my foster parents paid the medical expenses

last year I posted on line the Olivia girls cheated money from me when I was at school,but I didn't eat normal meals,I have never buy food from the sisters of the psycho BuzzLightyear

I have never got help from the son of Mr.Gates but he cheated to hurt me,he is the friend of the foster daughter of Disneyland who was exchanged with me by my brother PaulKersey and his wife,they hate my foster family name Lee,the movie 《Alice In Wonderland》 was directed by my nature father JamesCameron for my grandfather StanLee,but bad guys told lies and hurt me in my life

老板问我 下班半小时为啥还不走
我说 趁我脑子清醒拉个表☺️
他问我 什么表
于是跟他解释了一通 (我喜欢的中国小明星在艺考 因为他报了很多所学校 每所学校又都有好几场考试 为了更清晰的掌握他的考试日程和动态 拉一张考试进度表 以增加追星的互动感)
老板说 追星也这么用心和认真吗 实在太有趣了
我说 是的 我做任何事情都很认真。顺便给他科普了一下国内艺术类三大院校以及1123
[兔子]Afterwards, he said that Oh my brilliant young lady~ I love your attitude towards your concern. Um definitely believe that you will have a bright future.

GARDEN OF WORDS——Majority Shinkai
The beauty he dipicts in the ordinary, and the emotions he is capable of stirring through his visuals and scripts, are things to aspire towards.
Rain is the ‘code’ that enables the two to meet and is what transforms the garden into an isolated space in which two kindred souls find themselves meeting. What strike me initially as an unbalanced relationship is transformed as I come to the realization that despite their differences, they were both in their own way, ‘learning to walk’, with other’s help. What striking me on the heart is that they actually got salvation from indescribable understanding and sorrow.
And rain, provides the opportunity for some of the most stunning and detailed imagery yet.From beginning to end, I found myself catching my breath from time to time, from the sheer beauty and the feeling of this work.
I go searching for beauty, traveling to exotic locales around the world. However, beauty may be not in how something is, it’s how I see it. He sees how beautiful the moundane, ordinary things of this world, clouds, rain, shadows, trains, and the strangers passing by everyday and made me realized it.
Being a romantic in the world, the combination of everything in the garden simply drew me in…

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  • 然,仲乐诚之父仲子恒得知化之榆身份后道出一段往事,使两人的感情有了转机。然,仲乐诚之父仲子恒得知化之榆身份后道出一段往事,使两人的感情有了转机。
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  • 八年级二期诗经诵读2首 1、式微 佚名 〔先秦〕 式微,式微,胡不归?微君之故,胡为乎中露? 式微,式微,胡不归?微君之躬,胡为乎泥中? 译文 天黑了,天
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