【Veteran artist Chen Jialing holds solo show in Beijing】World-renowned Chinese veteran artist Chen Jialing opened a painting and calligraphy exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on Saturday.

Chinese veteran artist Chen Jialing opens a painting and calligraphy exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

The exhibition displays over 50 sets of paintings and calligraphy works accompanied by poems in praise of the plum blossom.


The photo shows painting and calligraphy works at Chen Jialing's solo exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

The photo shows painting and calligraphy works at Chen Jialing's solo exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

The photo shows painting and calligraphy works at Chen Jialing's solo exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

The photo shows painting and calligraphy works at Chen Jialing's solo exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

The photo shows painting and calligraphy works at Chen Jialing's solo exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

The photo shows painting and calligraphy works at Chen Jialing's solo exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

The photo shows painting and calligraphy works at Chen Jialing's solo exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG


Chen said in the opening ceremony that the spirit of the plum blossom lies in being fearless of severe cold as well as resilience. The 85-year-old added that he would like to showcase his spiritual outlook as an old artist during the epidemic through his works in the exhibition, in an effort to embody the quality of human life.

Chinese veteran artist Chen Jialing speaks at the opening ceremony of his solo exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

Well-known in Chinese art circles for his desire to change and adapt, Chen has conducted in-depth research on the traditional history of Chinese painting. His artistic style not only integrates the traditional Chinese artistic spirit, but also highlights innovative consciousness of the Shanghai school artists.

Chinese veteran artist Chen Jialing opens a painting and calligraphy exhibition themed on plum blossoms at Rongbaozhai in Beijing on February 18, 2023. /CMG

#阳光信用[超话]# That there's some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.这世上一定存在着善良,值得我们奋战到底。 Want to give you a hug, let the world know.想给你一个拥抱,让全世界都知道。 Boil the stars into sugar, dip it into the good night you said, and eat it with a big mouthful. 把星星熬成糖,蘸一蘸你说过的晚安,再大口大口的吃掉。#阳光信用##阳光信用✨#

#鞠婧祎[超话]#jjy#鞠婧祎校园风live图随拍#jjy #鞠婧祎校园风造型live图# /. 鞠婧祎在一次采访中说道 她很想拍一部校园剧 可sb不让 只接古装剧 不想让阿鞠火 /. Ju Jingyi said in an interview He really wants to make a school play But Sparta refused Only take costume dramas Don't want Ah Ju to be angry

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