There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. 万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方。 You are back it with all the good things in the world. 你逆光而来,配得上这世间所有的好。 Better late than never. 只要开始,虽晚不迟。 The moon fell into the river without seeing the bottom, and the stars looked down and startled.月亮坠落不见底的河,星星垂眸惊动来舸。

Late bloomer 迟开的花。
Campbell "lost trust in love" when she experienced unrequited love in her early 20s, she said.
So she went on with her life — traveling and putting all of her energy into her career, she noted.
Although Campbell considers herself a late bloomer, she set a goal for herself of finally trying to go on dates in January 2023.


1. get famous overnight 一夜成名
an instant hit 迅速走红
1. She became famous overnight mainly because of the media hype, rather than on the basis of her works.

2. The album became an instant hit after being released and topped Korean charts.

2. catapult to fame 一举成名;一炮而红
make a splash 引起轰动
1. The movie catapulted her to top status among Hollywood's glamour goddesses.

2. In a world of growing entertainment options, it's more important than ever to make a splash.

3. late bloomer 大器晚成的人
up-and-comer 后起之秀
1. Maclean is a late bloomer who was teased as a kid because she struggled at reading and writing.

2. Desperate to save themselvers, they decided to bring in a talented up-and-comer whose name was on everyone's lips.

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