Algeria-Hungary Joint Committee: Strengthening bilateral cooperation in various fields

BUDAPEST- Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Mohamed Abdelhafid Henni co-chaired on Friday, in Budapest (Hungary), with Hungary’s Minister of Defense Tamas Vargha the works of the 3rd Algerian-Hungarian Joint Committee in which the two sides defined other areas of cooperation and examined the possibility of opening new horizons for partnership between the two countries, the ministry said in a statement.

The 3rd Algerian-Hungarian Joint Committee, which was held in the presence of representatives of several sectors and experts of the two countries, comes after two sessions, the last one held in December 2017 in Algiers, “which shows the strong historical friendship relations as well as the strong and lasting cooperation between the two countries,” said the source.

The meeting allowed “assessing ways of bilateral cooperation, defining other fields of cooperation and opening new horizons for partnership between the two countries,” according to the source.

At the opening of the session’s works, the two officials expressed “the determination of the two countries’ delegations to give fresh impetus to the bilateral relations in various fields, notably water resources, energy, industry, tourism, fishing, higher education and vocational training, indicating the potential and capacities of Algeria and Hungary, particularly in the economic field,” added the source.

The two sides agreed to “intensify the partnership projects of common interest to contribute to the creation of wealth and jobs in various fields, and to encourage the profitable bilateral investment for the two sides and the cooperation in arts, technology and exchange of expertise,” said the statement.


22.08.06 OhmNanon1stFM
''Our BUDDYNESS will last forever ''

22.10.29 OhmNanonFMKorea2022
''LOVE is nothing else but YOU
우리의 사랑은 바로 너희야''

22.12.18 OhmNanonFMTP2022
''We love you just the way you are.''
''This journey of love has no end.''

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We will always support and be with you together ''
'' Thank you for always being our rainbow after the storm
We will always be with you ''





Wherever you stray, I follow.
I'm begging for you to take my hand.
Wreck my plans, that's my man.


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