Bathily welcomes President Tebboune’s efforts to resolve Libyan crisis

ALGIERS- The special representative of the UN Secretary General for Libya Abdoulaye Bathily welcomed Wednesday, in Algiers, the efforts of the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune for the settlement of the Libyan crisis, saying he is convinced that the Libyans will pay attention to his proposals concerning the restoration of security in their country.

In a statement following the audience granted to him by President of the Republic, Bathily said “I’m today in Algeria to seek advice and proposals from the President of the Republic” concerning ways to resolve the situation in Libya, saying he is convinced that the Libyans “will pay attention to the proposals of brotherly country Algeria, also affected by the repercussions of the Libyan crisis.”

The UN officials thanked President Tebboune for the moves that have been undertaken to enable the international parties “to speak with one voice to enable the Libyan people and State to emerge from the crisis and also progress in the interest of the Libyans and the region.

Underlining that Algeria has supported “since the beginning” the mission entrusted to him by UN Secretary General, Bathily hailed Algeria’s “continued support,” this support, he added, which “accompanies the UN’s moved for Libya.”

The UN official underscored that his visit to Algeria comes within the framework of a tour to Libya’s neighboring countries to ask for help in order to restore security in this country, by “providing assistance to the Libyan parties and enabling them to find the channels of dialogue to overcome the crisis which lasted more than a decade.”

Asian century
Today, our world, our times and history are changing in ways like never before. The collective rise of developing countries is irreversible, and the advent of an Asian century and an African century is no longer a distant dream.

风华正安徽 | 含山含水,臻善臻美

凌家滩的远古石钻,证明这里是工业制造业的源头;古昭关的金戈铁马, 传递着绵延千年的历史血脉;王安石的千古雄文,蕴含着改革创新的非凡气度。

这里是含山,随着长三角一体化、长江经济带、中部地区高质量发展等多重国家战略以及马鞍山市打造安徽的“杭嘉湖”、长三角的“白菜心”, 争做“三高地、两先锋”的新发展目标纵深推进,含山正在奋力谱写高质量发展的崭新篇章。

The ancient stone-made drilling bit unearthed in Lingjiatan proves that this is a cradle of manufacturing industry. The spears and other military hardware discovered around the time- honored Zhaoguan Pass unveil fierce historic battles over one thousand years ago, and the historically-important article on political reformation written by Wang Anshi (1021-1086) bears extraordinary connotation of reform and innovation.

This is Hanshan County that is striving to write a new chapter of high-quality development in the implementation of the national strategies to develop the Yangtze River Delta, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the central region of China. It is in joining Ma'anshan in building the city into Anhui's own affluent "Hangjiahu" area (the rich areas like Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou) and into a precious “heart of cabbage” in the Yangtze River Delta as the nickname goes. The county is also in its efforts to create itself into a vantage ground for high quality development, for integrated development of the YRD region and for the ecological and green transformation. As well, the county is striving to be a vanguard in exploring ways to common prosperity and in comprehensive self-governance of the Party with strict discipline.


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