Meeting him is my only thoughl
He is_my whole youth, and I am just anbig we will always meet
In fact we are in the same stry the earth is nolbig we will_always_meet
Ihe more they say lo you, the more they loveyou
work harder
&ven at a distance, the moon can always causetides
He is my whole youth, and I am just anordinary stranger to him, but I stil love him
year after year
Distance is not a problem, but two-wayrunning is the key
My sense of ceremony for you is that whenever Igo to see you, it is the first time I see you. I am sohappy and looking forward to it
In fact we are in the same sky the earth is not big
we will always meet
The more they_say to you, the more they love you
The more they say to you, the more they love you
In the next life, you are ordinary, and I will workharder
Even at a distance, the moon can always cause tides
He is my whole youth, and_I_am just an ordinarystranger to him, but I still love him year after year
Meeting him is my only thought
Distance is not a problem, but towo_way running isthe key


In previous years, either at my husband's home or at my mother's home, every day cooking, cleaning, taking several children out to play, to relatives home New Year. Every day is busy and full of time. Wait until the fifth and sixth days back to their own home did not have a good rest, the holiday is coming to an end. This happens every year.

Algeria rejects Zionist entity's punitive measures against Palestinian people, their leaders
NEW YORK - Algeria rejects the punitive measures taken by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people and their leaders, stressed the Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador Nadir Larbaoui.
In his speech on Wednesday during the Security Council debate on the situation in the Middle East, the Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador Nadir Larbaoui expressed Algeria's rejection of the punitive measures decided by the Zionist occupier against the Palestinian people and their leaders, following the request for an advisory opinion by the UN General Assembly, to the International Court of Justice, recalling the declaration signed, in his capacity as current president of the Arab Summit on behalf of the Arab group and with many countries, to mark the unwavering support for the International Court of Justice and international law as a cornerstone of the international system, as well as the commitment to multilateral cooperation.
In this regard, Larbaoui recalled that President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, had previously called on the international community, and the Security Council in particular, in a letter addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations following the violence against the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, to assume its responsibilities in order to put an end to these criminal practices and to provide the necessary protection to the Palestinian people and their sacred places, especially the occupied city of Al-Quds, which is subjected daily, and in the midst of international silence, to the practices and violations of the occupation aimed at altering its demographic nature and its Arab, Islamic and Christian identity and which could result in undermining the efforts to resume negotiations.
Regarding the accession of Palestine to the UN, Larbaoui affirmed Algeria's continued support for the State of Palestine to obtain full membership in the UN, in addition to its support for General Assembly resolution 77/247, by which it requested an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal implications resulting from the violation by the occupation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.

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