Qingqing Tarot Divination Hall Flower Fairy Card Fortune on January 12 【Chrysanthemum】

This card represents that some darkness has been suspended, this situation has improved , and it is more harmonious than before. The key to luck is to fight for honor and desire, but be kind, gentle and harmonious

Chrysanthemum is a perennial perennial herb of Compositae and Chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum in different types also names various varieties. Chrysanthemum grows vigorously and sprouts strongly. A chrysanthemum can be divided into thousands of flower buds after being picked many times. The branches of some varieties are soft and numerous, which is convenient for making various shapes and forms exquisite shapes such as chrysanthemum tower, chrysanthemum bridge, chrysanthemum hedge, chrysanthemum pavilion, chrysanthemum gate, chrysanthemum ball, etc. It can also be cultivated into Dali Chrysanthemum, Cliff Chrysanthemum, Ten Kinds of Brocade, Bonsai, etc., which are varied and magnificent, adding numerous ornamental works of art to the annual chrysanthemum exhibition. Chrysanthemum can also be used as medicine for treatment. Chrysanthemum can dispel wind, remove dampness, reduce swelling and relieve pain, and treat arthritis such as Hegenuifeng. It has the function of dispersing the wind, calming the liver, smelling it, and auxiliary treatment for colds and headaches. Chrysanthemum can also be made into exquisite delicacies. "Chrysanthemum meat" is a kind of chrysanthemum dish that has been made after a long time of exploration. It is made from pieces of white tender pork cooked with sucrose. It is exquisite and transparent, like white jade. There are also chrysanthemum fish balls, fried chrysanthemum leaves, chrysanthemum fish porridge, chrysanthemum soup, chrysanthemum wine, chrysanthemum tea, etc. These chrysanthemum meals are not only good in color, flavor, but also nutritious.

#Tarot divination feeling, love affair, love compound ,marriage, family, friendship, career, study, wealth, health, pets, seeking things#

This is not goodbye my darling.
this is a thank-you.

Thank you for coming into my life, and
giving me joy.

Thank you for loving me,and receiving
my love in return.

Thank you for the memories,
I will cherish forever.

But most of all,

Thank you for showing me that there will come a time, when I can eventually let you go.

I love you, bye.

h me pajt han’t be
hslled back again,www[嘻嘻]填[笑cry]空[色]题[可爱]com Tje only thing we have to fear is fear itself?
lLove does not close,
hnd your long,Liwe,a good life meet slomy
https://t.cn/A69wtlsU ​​​

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