#阳光信用[超话]#[音乐]#阳光信用# [音乐]#每日一善# [音乐]天空并不高,向上伸手就能碰到,梦想并不远,跨出步伐就能到达。奋斗的年纪,请放下你的清高,收起你的自尊,褪去你的愚昧,穿上你的现实,去走出你的人生。早安!做一个简单的人,看得清世间繁杂却不在心中留下痕迹,保持平常心,简单,快乐。The sky is not high, the upward hand can meet, the dream is not far, step out can reach. The age of struggle, please put down your lofty, pack up your self-esteem, fade your ignorance, put on your reality, to walk out of your life. Good morning! Do a simple person, see the world is complex but not in the heart to leave traces, keep a normal heart, simple, happy.

I realized with this account make US happy to use there lts to study the english learning uh because my oral english isn not very well in my primary school so I will take some money to the new orientation to a spend money to release these words to improve our english to ago to own a college school
Our friends are likely small APP to the IELTS to start the I IELTS oral english so we can make some way to earn money to take more time to learn english but these ways make our make our our friends to aTo let our studies become more difficult so i do not like spend lots of money in learning the i elt is english also AH my relative is very hated to spend money in this way but my friend is asked my friend is this because studying is a very awesome and long way to study to it so I think I shouldA only by my work self to earn more money to get my dream dream to learning IELTS but uh I when I begin this way uh my relatives abandon me so the new oral ocean of money it is very very very a let me study every everybody likeOne eyes spend lots of money in studying english but the show shows is very eager please make me have so I thinkMake this a way to study this english in aGo away to let the english studies make by a oh oh by a eight squares in there lt,AMy friends like but my relatives is a like this

#每日一善[超话]##阳光信用# #每日一善#
How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall,
Faster than a cannon ball,
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide,
In a Champagne Supernova in the sky,
Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide,
In a Champagne Supernova,
A Champagne Supernova in the sky,
Wake up the dawn and ask her why?
A dreamer dreams she never dies,
Wipe that tear away now from your eye,
Slowly walking down the hall,
Faster than a cannon ball,
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide,
In a Champagne Supernova in the sky,
Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide,
In a Champagne Supernova,
A Champagne Supernova,
'Cos people believe,
That they’re gonna get away for the summer,
But you and I, we live and die,
The world's still spinning round,
We don't know why?
Why? Why? Why? Why?
How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall,
Faster than a cannon ball,
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide,
In a Champagne Supernova in the sky,
Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide,
In a Champagne Supernova,
A Champagne Supernova,
'Cos people believe,
That they’re Gonna get away for the summer,
But you and I, we live and die,
The world's still spinning round,
We don't know why?
Why? Why? Why? Why?
How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
We were getting high,
We were getting high,
We were getting high.

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