Stop The Coronavirus Stigma Now

"When an outbreak happens, everyone is at risk, regardless of who they are or where they are from."

"In the April issue of Nature Review Physics, for example, researchers and science communicators from china, India, Japan and South Korea report examples fo discrimination and other factors that prevent them being heard in international journals."

"On terminology , the advice is clear: we must all do everything, we can to avoid and reduce stigma; not associate COVID-19 with particular groups of people or places; and emphasize that viruses do not discriminate-we are all at risk."

know that we are exposed to free radicals on a daily basis (even if you're in lockdown) and that they can cause premature ageing? ⁠

So, what are free radicals? ⁠

They are particles that damage healthy cells in the skin/body. Although they are produced naturally, common triggers include UV radiation (sunlight) and other environmental stressors, such as air pollution and cigarette smoke.⁠

How do free radicals damage the skin?⁠

Free radicals are unstable molecules that attack other (healthy) molecules in your body to steal electrons. This sets off a chain reaction of ‘free radical formation’ that triggers oxidative stress, leaving other cells damaged as they become unstable due to the stolen electrons. ⁠

Consequently, this causes collagen break down and therefore, accelerates premature ageing, which presents itself in dull, uneven skin tone/texture with fine lines and wrinkles. It can also trigger inflammatory conditions, such as eczema and acne.⁠

How can antioxidants help with “free radical” damage?⁠

Since it is not possible to completely avoid total sun exposure and environmental stressors, protecting your skin with products containing antioxidants can help decrease the impact free radical damage may have on your skin. ⁠
⁠(noelanigonzalezmd) recommends using antioxidants in the morning to “help fight damage throughout the day”, as well as in the evening to “repair the ongoing damage that was caused during the day". ⁠

You can also support your body's own antioxidant defense by consuming foods such as berries, peppers, kiwi, broccoli and oranges.

【Daily deliveries tipped to hit 490m following Singles Day】China's courier sector is expected to deliver over 490 million packages a day following next month's Singles Day online shopping promotion, the State Post Bureau said on Wednesday.

The country's logistics firms are rolling up their sleeves to cope with a doubling of deliveries in the days after the Nov 11 event, said Bian Zuodong, deputy director of the bureau's market regulation department, with the peak period expected to last until Nov 16.

He said major courier companies have hired 490,000 temporary staff in advance, and arranged to use 100,000 extra vehicles and another 5.39 million square meters of warehouse space to ensure deliveries flow smoothly.

Courier companies are being encouraged to adopt digital waybills and avoid excessive packaging and single-use woven plastic bags in an effort to reduce waste and promote green packaging, Bian added.

The Singles Day shopping promotion was launched by Alibaba's Tmall e-commerce platform on Nov 11, 2009, and has since become one of the world's largest online shopping sprees.

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