Emory MSBA

Love my way, It's a new road
I follow where my mind goes

有些值得记录的美好瞬间,比如面试结尾,Allison直接投屏就业率"show the muscles"

"I'm gonna put it on my computer, so you could see it for yourself! You will be very impressed."


" That's gonna be a tough decision between UCLA verses... Which program is it? I can you a decision by early next week."

Up high, in my bubble I'm floating.
So light, I'm a baby you're holding.
Far away, I can fly away.
I climb into my bubble, it can't be broken.
Up high, in my bubble I'm floating.
So light, I'm a baby you're holding.
Far away, I can fly away.
I climb into my bubble, it can't be broken.
Up high.
There's no floor and there's no ceiling.
There's no trying and no reaching.
Air like water is what keeps me.
Keeps me.

With everything I've seen now.
I can never come down.
Everything I've seen now.
I can never come down.

Swan:There goes my heart beating,cause You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~心跳加快,因为我想起了挚愛着的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~I'm losing my sleep,please come back now,there goes my mind racing and You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~深夜,无法入睡,快回到我身边,整日胡思乱想,因为非常想念我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~That I'm still breathing,I'm hopeless now!!!!!我现在苟延残喘,处在绝望的边缘!!!!!I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean just to be with You!!!!!!!!!~我愿意翻山越岭,穿越每一条江河只为与我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你在一起!!!!!!!!!~And fix what I've broken!!!!~弥补我之前犯下的错!!!!~Oh,Cause I need You to see that You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~因为我想让你明白我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切!!!!!!!!!~There goes my hands shaking and You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~我的手不停颤抖,因为非常想念我挚愛着的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~My heart keeps bleeding I need You now oh!!!!!!!!!~我的心在滴血,此刻我非常需要挚愛着我的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~If I could turn back the clock,I'd make sure the light defeated the dark,I'd spend every hour of every day oh Keeping You safe oh!!!!!!!!!~如果我能让时光倒流,我一定会让光明战胜黑暗,我会每时每刻守在我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你身旁!!!!!!!!!~Climb every mountain and swim every ocean just to be with You!!!!!!!!!~我愿意翻山越岭,穿越每一条江河,只为与我深愛的同时深愛着我的宇豪你在一起!!!!!!!!!~And fix what I've broken!!!!!~弥补我之前犯下的错!!!!!~Oh,Cause I need You to see that You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~因为我想让你明白,我深愛的同时深愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切!!!!!!!!!~I don't want to fight no more!!!!!!!!!~我不想再抗争了!!!!!!!!!~I don't want to hide no more!!!!!!!!~我不想再躲藏了!!!!!!!!!~You are!!!!!!!!!~我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切!!!!!!!!!~I don't want to cry no more come back,I need You to hold Me!!!!!!!!!~我不想哭泣,也不想再回到过去,我需要挚愛着我的宇豪你的拥抱!!!!!!!!!~That You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切!!!!!!!!!~I need You to hold Me!!!!!!!!!~我需要深愛着的宇豪你的拥抱!!!!!!!!!~That You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~我深愛的同时深愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切!!!!!!!!!~A little closer now just a little closer now!!!!!!!!!~再近一点,再近一点!!!!!!!!!~Come a little closer I need You to hold Me tonight!!!!!!!!!~靠近我,我今晚需要我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean Just to be with You!!!!!!!!!~我愿意翻山越岭,穿越每一条江河,只为与我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你在一起!!!!!!!!!~And fix what I've broken!!!!~弥补我之前犯下的错!!!!~Oh,Cause I need You to see that You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~因为我想让挚愛着我的宇豪你明白我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切!!!!!!!!!~❤️❤️(。ì _ í。)Swan:There goes my heart beating,cause You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~心跳加快,因为我想起了挚愛着的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~I'm losing my sleep,please come back now,there goes my mind racing and You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~深夜,无法入睡,快回到我身边,整日胡思乱想,因为非常想念我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~That I'm still breathing,I'm hopeless now!!!!!我现在苟延残喘,处在绝望的边缘!!!!!There goes my hands shaking and You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~我的手不停颤抖,因为非常想念我挚愛的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~My heart keeps bleeding I need You now oh!!!!!!!!!~我的心在滴血,此刻我非常需要挚愛着我的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~If I could turn back the clock,I'd make sure the light defeated the dark,I'd spend every hour of every day oh Keeping You safe oh!!!!!!!!!~如果我能让时光倒流,我一定会让光明战胜黑暗,我会每时每刻守在我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你身旁!!!!!!!!!~I don't want to fight no more!!!!!!!!!~我不想再抗争了!!!!!!!!!~I don't want to hide no more!!!!!!!!~我不想再躲藏了!!!!!!!!!~I don't want to cry no more come back,I need You to hold Me!!!!!!!!!~我不想哭泣,也不想再回到过去,我需要挚愛着我的宇豪你的拥抱!!!!!!!!!~That You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切!!!!!!!!!~A little closer now just a little closer now!!!!!!!!!~再近一点,再近一点!!!!!!!!!~Come a little closer I need You to hold Me tonight!!!!!!!!!~靠近我,我今晚需要我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你!!!!!!!!!~I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean Just to be with You!!!!!!!!!~我愿意翻山越岭,穿越每一条江河,只为与我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你在一起!!!!!!!!!~And fix what I've broken!!!!~弥补我之前犯下的错!!!!~Oh,Cause I need You to see that You are the reason!!!!!!!!!~因为我想让挚愛着我的宇豪你明白我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切!!!!!!!!!~ There goes my heart beating,cause You are the reason心跳加快,因为我想起了挚愛着的宇豪你 I'm losing my sleep,please come back now,there goes my mind racing and You are the reason深夜,无法入睡,快回到我身边,整日胡思乱想,因为非常想念我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你 That I'm still breathing,I'm hopeless now我现在苟延残喘,处在绝望的边缘 There goes my hands shaking and You are the reason我的手不停颤抖,因为非常想念我挚愛的宇豪你 My heart keeps bleeding I need You now oh我的心在滴血,此刻我非常需要挚愛着我的宇豪你 If I could turn back the clock,I'd make sure the light defeated the dark,I'd spend every hour of every day oh Keeping You safe oh如果我能让时光倒流,我一定会让光明战胜黑暗,我会每时每刻守在我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你身旁 I don't want to fight no more我不想再抗争了 I don't want to hide no more我不想再躲藏了 I don't want to cry no more come back,I need You to hold Me我不想哭泣,也不想再回到过去,我需要挚愛着我的宇豪你的拥抱 That You are the reason我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切 A little closer now just a little closer now再近一点,再近一点 Come a little closer I need You to hold Me tonight靠近我,我今晚需要我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你 I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean Just to be with You我愿意翻山越岭,穿越每一条江河,只为与我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你在一起 And fix what I've broken弥补我之前犯下的错 Oh,Cause I need You to see that You are the reason因为我想让挚愛着我的宇豪你明白 我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切 I need You to see that You are the reason因为我想让挚愛着我的宇豪你明白 我挚愛的同时挚愛着我的宇豪你就是我的一切☀️~Calum Scott《You Are The Reason》https://t.cn/A6K2Ve44 @QQ音乐

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  • !!
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