Are you a night breeze die away if Milky Way a small separation.
You are in the early morning dawn of bright eyes You are a time hum like the splendor of covered alley.
Black and white keys of the morning light.
Behind may you always have the strength you would like to become your sun.
May you be always time to fall in love with each other, the light is still shining in your eyes tells the crazy.
I have dream to accompany your collections.
You are memories and love song just catch up to me, you are the four seasons of flowers in full bloom in my bottom of my heart.
You are the colors on paper to write the words.
I like your eyes bloomed glad in heart Behind may you always have the strength you would like to become your sun.
May you be always time to fall in love with each other, the light is still shining in your eyes tell the crazy.
I have dream to accompany you to collect behind may you always have the strength you would like to become your sun.
May you be always time to fall in love with each other, the light is still shining in your eyes tell the crazy.
I have dream to accompany you to collect.

Day16 Taehyung said the most impressive sentence because I myself often suffer from 失眠,Insomnia was particularly severe in high school, and then the university simply stayed overnight.For a while, even relying on asmr,For me anyway,It is difficult to fall asleep.So on 200217,I was particularly impressed by the official response.I also wrote a memo specifically.The words of fans are particularly warm,Xiao Hum found this and replied very warmly.It is a passage that can make me sleep at ease.

My heart is always not at ease,Can not calm down.I feel I don't have time to write a diary,No environment.I'm not in the mood to watch the flowers or grass and watch the sunset,I can't sit down and paint seriously,Even if the painting is not good,I even feel that there is no new song easy to learn,I'm such a singing person,For various reasons,I don't hum much anymore.Often anxious,Inexplicable 失眠,Insomnia only after graduation.There is really no sense of happiness here,But I started to doubt,Is there no sense of happiness anywhere?

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