5月8日晚上在香港 - 免費@香港大學。 首先他們殺死了我的父親是一部2017年柬埔寨裔美國高棉傳記歷史驚悚片,由安吉麗娜朱莉執導,由朱莉和倫恩翁寫成,基於Ung的同名回憶錄。
May 8 evening in Hong Kong - free of charge @ HKU. First They Killed My Father is a 2017 Cambodian–American Khmer biographical historical thriller film directed by Angelina Jolie and written by Jolie and Loung Ung, based on Ung's memoir of the same name.

source: https://t.cn/EoyEKRp

【柬埔寨世界文化遗产吴哥窟: 世界上最大的庙宇 承载高棉王国的辉煌】Angkor Wat, Cambodia's famed architectural complex, stands as a powerful representative of the country's history. Lying in Siem Reap, a province in the north of Cambodia, the 400-square-kilometer Angkor Archaeological Park contains architecture and cultural relics of the Khmer Empire between 9th and 15th centuries. The architectural complex has a large number of cultural relics, including sculptures, niches, pagodas, ambulatories, etc. It also has hydraulic structures like dykes and reservoirs, reflecting the ancient wisdom of utilizing natural resources in the ancient city-like complex. For more: https://t.cn/ESSDFPb #Asiacivilizations# #KnowAsiaBetter#

Angkor Wat
6. Angkor Wat
If you plan on seeing the most spectacular sights in the world, then Angkor Wat in Cambodia must be on your list.
It’s one of the most important archeological sites in the world and is spread over an area of over 150 square miles.
Within the Angkor archeological park are the remains of different capitals of the Khmer empire, which was present in the area between the 9th and 15th century.
This centerpiece is believed to be the largest religious building in the world, and was built as a representation of Mt. Meru - the Hindu equivalent of Mount Olympus where all of the ancient gods lived.
Carved into the walls of this astonishing structure are over 3000 heavenly nymphs, each of who re unique.
Around the perimeter lie a series of carvings that depict historical events and mythological stories.
The sheer size of this structure is incredible, and the engineering skills needed to make it stand are ingenious.
The moat, for example, is thought to have been built in a way to use the water as a counter- balance to the weight of the stone of the temple to prevent it from crumbling.
The temple is a source of national pride for Cambodians, and is undoubtedly one of the remaining wonders of the world that you’ll relish the chance to explore. https://t.cn/R2W6Vyr

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