As school approaches, I feel that things are really much better now. An experiment report of the summer course has not been finished yet. Tomorrow I will go to the city to buy clothes, and then go to the hospital for a nucleic acid test. I will go to my dad to have a meal at noon. I should be able to come back tomorrow afternoon. Remember to take online lessons in the morning.

赢过Le Mans勒芒24小时耐力赛冠军的美国赛车好手LMP1 Driver Gustavo Menezes 古斯塔沃·梅內塞斯,近期正在进行他私人GTS跑车的改装计画,很荣幸他选用了 Fi EXHAUST #Fi排气# ,一起期待最后成果吧!
Gustavo Menezes Porsche Panamera GTS Sport Turismo is completely transformed into a Seek Discomfort Yes Theory Wagon.
It's able to produce almost 800 hp tuned by Gintani, fitted with an aggressive sounding, full catless Fi EXHAUST valvetronic system with quad carbon fiber tips, custom Brixton Forged Wheels VL2 Duo Series w/ Aerotech package finished in Firecracker Black (Satin / Gloss ), reviveautowerks.
#保时捷# #勒芒24小时耐力赛# #赛车## #改装#

Squamous cell carcinoma measuring 3 cm in diameter on the scalp. The area of excision and the design of the hatchet flaps are outlined.

After excision of the lesion, double hatchet flaps were fashioned on either side of the lesion; the length of each flap was approximately 1.5 times the diameter of the initial defect and the width of the skin pedicle was equivalent to the radius of the defect. Dissection of the flap was performed in the subgaleal plane, preserving the rich supragaleal vascular network (and maintaining the periostium intact to facilitate reconstruction if necrosis of the flap should occur). The flaps were
rotated and advanced, with release of the adjacent tissues along the same plane. The site of apposition of the 2 flaps, in the midline of the area of the defect to be repaired, was closed by tissue planes, and the donor areas of the flaps in V-to-Y fashion. In large repairs, we favor leaving a drain for the first 24 hours.

The results 1 month after the operation show that a stable repair is achieved, with a cosmetic result that we havenot been able to better using other reconstruction techniques in defects of these sizes.
Credit: Versatility of Hatchet Flaps for the Repair of Scalp Defects, M. Fernández-Calderón, Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2012;103(7):629---631

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  • 纪念一下到目前为止做的74篇갸악老师汉化合集 我自己在翻译的过程中也会斟酌苦恼很久 这样翻译能不能把老师的意思更好的传达给大家 都说翻译其实某种程度上来说是二次
  • 有一次采访中,雷佳音曾说过自己上学的时候他家里很穷,几个室友都是现在的当红艺人,其中就有陈赫。有一次采访中,雷佳音曾说过自己上学的时候他家里很穷,几个室友都是现
  • 自诞生以来,BAPE® 总能通过颠覆性的设计构想,源源不断的输出令时尚界津津乐道的话题经典;人们永远无法意料到它将会带来什么惊喜,这种期待感牵动着全世界潮流追随
  • (真的是我想了好久好久好久的事情了[泪])一定要快点到来呀,一定就快来啦!我总是非常非常在意已经不常联系的人,忽略了身边一直有个陪伴我的人,好好把握现在才是最重
  • 昨日的创作,今天的我依旧是个小透明哦(´-ω-`) 不负韶华 词作:一月千秋 山水小桥入画 笔墨肆意挥洒 闲来煮酒烹茶 风惊庭前落花 欲言却是无话 才觉身旁
  • 有人说努力是为了改变生活,追求是幸福,脑袋里在有学问,口袋里再有钱,生活里不被人牵挂,这就是行尸,活着就孤苦伶仃的,死了也如尘土一般,风一吹,什么都留不下,没有
  • 因为最近刷到好多贴假睫毛很心动就买了仙子毛和娥佩兰睫毛胶水 ,昨天试了一下就是贴的时候感觉眼睛一直要流泪,我就放弃了,我以为就是单纯的眼睛比较敏感,就开始从小搜
  • 多是负担,是另一种失去;少非不足,是另一种有余;舍弃也不一定是失去,而是另一种更宽阔的拥有。很多人学英文都是闭门读书,因为怕丢脸,总是在掩饰自己的不足和缺陷。
  • #中华民俗汇览# 【灯红酒绿:为什么古人认为酒是绿色的?】 市面上卖的酒无非白酒、黄酒、红酒,绿酒还真是不多见,也可以说没见过。 大多数人对于绿色的水本来就没
  • 而用惯了插牌,现在非要在蛋糕上写字,底虚的心,颤抖的手,字落在蛋糕上就没有办法重来了,就盼着顾客是个好脾气的人,收蛋糕的时候能给留点面子~其实避免蛋糕踩雷也是很
  • 出生年:1993身高:161职业:HR收入:15w学历:本科星座:天蝎座现居:广东省 广州市 车房:无房无车婚史:未婚自我介绍:性格偏温柔,不太爱撒娇粘人,生活
  • 这也许是与匈奴的最后一战,也是我李广的最后一战了,所以老臣一定要去。在汉匈战争的艰难岁月里,是他一次又一次击退匈奴人,保护边疆百姓的安全。
  • 要和苏轼的故事说再见了 从诗词到人生,从壮志凌云到静观沧海。 从年少时“识遍天下字,读尽人生书”,到意气风发时“老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍,锦帽貂裘,千骑卷
  • 贵圈迷人眼,娱圈乱人心,一旦入了这圈子,能有几人扛得住? 老祖宗说,穷人乍富,丑态必现! 这话放在老百姓身上适用,放在娱乐圈也一样。 再看那些突然爆红的明星们,
  • 卡罗拉这车的配置还特别低,和同级别的主流车没法比,不过不吹不黑,卡罗拉这个车一直以来的口碑还是很不错的,在我看来,买这个车的基本上都是为了买丰田这个牌子还有冲着
  • 老公阳,你在我心里一直都是人品很好的,我爱上您的好人品。老公阳人品好又帅,老公阳在我心里住了快两年了,人品上从来没有出错过。
  • 阴浓湿重,反损生机,故春木见金,用印化杀者下格,上文丙癸并透者,以丙火为主,兼一点癸水,调和既济,故主富贵,若一派壬癸,无戊己制之,则水泛木浮,即有戊己为制,而
  • 为你诸人説般若、讲陧槃了也。」上堂云;释迦不出世,达磨不西来。
  • ⚠️闭馆通知 |1月31日-2月6日 (农历除夕至初六)2月8日(农历初八)富士X-SPACE·上海 全天闭馆2月7日及2月9日起正常对外营业1月31日-2月9
  • 9.公寓、商铺等商业性质的物业,水电、物业费和转手的税费都贵你还知道买房需要注意的问题,评论区交流~1.大部分情况下自己去售楼处和中介带去售楼处,房子价格是一样