#wherearewewednesday# - Today let’s dive into Priorat, Catalunya in northeastern Spain! Generally speaking, Priorat experiences very hot, dry summers and cold winters. The area is so hot and full of sunshine that the best vineyards are actually planted on the slopes facing north-east to protect the vines from the most extreme afternoon heat. The soil here is slate and quartz, plus there is fewer organic matter in the soil, thus it’s low in nutrients but free-draining. Unfortunately the irrigation is not permitted, thus the vines here have struggled to get enough water. The head-trained, spur-pruned bush vine can provide some shade for the grapes. The vines here are planted at a low density (2500 - 3000 vines/ha) so the roots of each vine can grow over a large area in search of water and nutrients. Yields are extremely low also due to the fact that there are lots of old vines in the region, the average yield is 15-25 hl/ha. A lot of manual work needs to be carried out in the region, thus, the wine from Priorat is never inexpensive.
New blog at Helios (最新博客求关注): https://t.cn/A6UrBFLV(link in bio)
#周三去哪儿# 今天,让我们来深入了解西班牙东北部的加泰罗尼亚自治区(Catalunya)普里奥拉托(Priorat)吧!一般来说,普里奥拉托经历了非常炎热、有着干燥的夏天和寒冷的冬天。该地区非常炎热,阳光充足,最好的葡萄园实际上被种植在面向东北的斜坡上,以保护葡萄免受最极端的午后高温的影响。这里的土壤是板岩和石英,再加上土壤中的有机物较少,因此它的养分很低,但可以自由排水。灌溉是不允许的,因此这里的葡萄树很难得到足够的水。经过头部整形(head-trained)短枝修剪(spur-pruned)树冠管理方式可以为葡萄提供一些遮荫。这里的葡萄树种植密度很低(每公顷2500 - 3000株),因此每株葡萄树的根部可以在很大的范围内生长,以寻找其生存需要水分和养分。产量极低也源于该地区有许多老葡萄藤,平均产量为15-25 hl/ha。该地区需要进行大量的手工劳动,因此普里奥拉托(Priorat)的葡萄酒从来也不便宜。
Photo Credit: @cellercalpla

#周三去哪儿# 今天,让我们来深入了解西班牙东北部的加泰罗尼亚自治区(Catalunya)普里奥拉托(Priorat)吧!一般来说,普里奥拉托经历了非常炎热、有着干燥的夏天和寒冷的冬天。该地区非常炎热,阳光充足,最好的葡萄园实际上被种植在面向东北的斜坡上,以保护葡萄免受最极端的午后高温的影响。这里的土壤是板岩和石英,再加上土壤中的有机物较少,因此它的养分很低,但可以自由排水。灌溉是不允许的,因此这里的葡萄树很难得到足够的水。经过头部整形(head-trained)短枝修剪(spur-pruned)树冠管理方式可以为葡萄提供一些遮荫。这里的葡萄树种植密度很低(每公顷2500 - 3000株),因此每株葡萄树的根部可以在很大的范围内生长,以寻找其生存需要水分和养分。产量极低也源于该地区有许多老葡萄藤,平均产量为15-25 hl/ha。该地区需要进行大量的手工劳动,因此普里奥拉托(Priorat)的葡萄酒从来也不便宜。
New blog at Helios (最新博客求关注): https://t.cn/A6UrBFLV(link in bio)
#wherearewewednesday# - Today let’s dive into Priorat, Catalunya in northeastern Spain! Generally speaking, Priorat experiences very hot, dry summers and cold winters. The area is so hot and full of sunshine that the best vineyards are actually planted on the slopes facing north-east to protect the vines from the most extreme afternoon heat. The soil here is slate and quartz, plus there is fewer organic matter in the soil, thus it’s low in nutrients but free-draining. Unfortunately the irrigation is not permitted, thus the vines here have struggled to get enough water. The head-trained, spur-pruned bush vine can provide some shade for the grapes. The vines here are planted at a low density (2500 - 3000 vines/ha) so the roots of each vine can grow over a large area in search of water and nutrients. Yields are extremely low also due to the fact that there are lots of old vines in the region, the average yield is 15-25 hl/ha. A lot of manual work needs to be carried out in the region, thus, the wine from Priorat is never inexpensive.
Photo Credit: @declarawinery_declarawine

I ate a lot of oranges the night before yesterday.After eating, I feel that I might get angry tomorrow.result,I woke up yesterday morning and had a small bubble with a pointed tongue.Not too painful,In the evening, I ate very spicy grilled gluten and black pepper octopus balls.Ha ha.Now the tongue has to be the outermost.Or sting.?

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