Er lijkt een prachtige voorstelling te zijn voor de keukenkast en achter de telefoon.Na je te kennen, loop je al een paar dagen in je oren.Wie is niet verbaasd dat al het zingen in het theaterWat is er aan de hand?Wat kan me het ritme van de liefde laten verslaanIk wilde het je eerder vertellen.Begeleid me om op me te schijnen met het licht van ritmeHet is net een prachtige poster.Het is te fel voor je.Begeleid me om mijn laatste commerciële liedje te doenEr gaat niets boven opwinding.Hou je van je oren?Kan Walkman niet meer genieten

Mon 31-08-2020 18:42 PM
Mohammed bin Rashid issues resolution forming the Board of Directors of Dubai Electronic Security Center

DUBAI, 31st August, 2020 (WAM) -- In his capacity as Ruler of Dubai, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum issued Resolution No. (15) of 2020 forming the Board of Directors of the Dubai Electronic Security Center.

According to the Resolution, Talal Humaid Belhoul will serve as the Chairman of the Board and Awadh Hadher Al Muhairi as the Vice Chairman.

The Resolution is effective from the date of issuance and will be published in the Official Gazette.

WAM/Tariq alfaham

p1 Baldessari came upon a sheet left in a classroom that dispensed advice to artists. [Tips] is one of his breakthrough works: it abandons familiar imagery, adopts language as its vehicle, and slyly suggests that behind some supposedly great art may be merely a series of cynical ploys.

p2The hard-edge painter Al Held is reported to have said that "Conceptual art is just pointing at things." Taking this accusation literally, Baldessari decided to create a series of Commissioned Painting, hiring sign painters to paint photorealistic images of a hand pointing to an object. The act of pointing demands the viewer's attention to be directed to a specific area, but the genius of the piece lies in the questions it leaves us with: why should we look here, and not elsewhere? Do images always direct us to one, and only one message? Although this painting includes the caption "A Painting By George Walker," we also understand that the idea was Baldessari's, hence we are led to questioning the nature of artistic authorship.

p3The imagery focuses on a work place achievement, such as an opening ceremony or the successful completion of a project. Blocking to mock its absurdity, its character as banal ritual.

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