Chapter 12
1. The tale of food is a tale of waste. From the beginning, the plants turn sunlight into store energy, but there is less than one-billionth of sun’s energy actually reaches the Earth. Then less than 1% of that energy is actually used for photosynthesis.
2. The squandering doesn’t end. Lots of foods travel a long distance to reach people’s plate, energy waste in transportation. And we know that 40 percent of food in USA is never eaten. If we could rescue 15 percent of that food, we would able to feed 25 million more people.
3. What we need to do is increasing the efficiency. Researchers are beginning to figure out how to ramp up a plant’s ability to turn sunlight into food. As for transportation, to make moving food from farm to table more efficient, they are moving farm into the city, growing food inside of skyscrapers, which is called “vertical farming”. With the help of cameras, sensors and big data machine learning, we can plant more in smaller space and use less water and fertilizer.
4. Not only humans, but also the livestock need to eat vegetarian food. Farm animals consume 30 percent of the world’s food crops, and 70 percent of global water use, and they need large space to live. So why not we create meat by ourselves? By advanced biotechnology, we can now create the same steak from a single stem cell-no cow required. Those man-made meat is called “cultured meat”, obviously it’s more environmental friendly, and even healthier, because we can increase helpful proteins, vitamins, and reduce saturated fat when we growing steak from stem cells. What’s true for meat is also true for milk and egg, that is the future of our food.

#王源[超话]##王源的北斗第七星##王源全新EP肆百击##联合国儿童基金会大使王源##王源# 就像童话,午夜一到,马车变回了南瓜,公主变回了灰姑娘,只有王子,依旧是王子。

Like a fairy tale, at midnight, the carriage turned back into a pumpkin, the princess turned back into Cinderella, only the prince, still the prince.

Every little girl has the same exact dream
A pretty dress and a diamond ring
To match the biggest wedding ever with a prince for show and tell
To be the princess in his fairy tale
——The Royal Wedding Song

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