#nflying[超话]# #N.Flying[超话]#

[] N.Flying 8th Mini Album [Dearest] 签售 (龙山)


#NFlying ##엔플라잉 ##Dearest ##디어리스트 ##폭망 ##I_Like_You#

by 火锅
翻译by 真牛皮


喜马偕尔邦的达尔豪西是一个非常适合度假休闲的古朴山丘小镇,它坐落于岩石山脊,周边被白雪皑皑的道拉达尔(Dhauladhar)山脉和绵延起伏的翠绿山谷所包围,仙气缭绕。达尔豪西被巨型松树和喜马拉雅雪杉及原始湖泊和瀑布所围绕,其天然景观使人赏心悦目。难怪这个僻静的小镇曾是英国独立前英国人最爱前往的夏季度假胜地!该镇保留了众多遗迹,多个殖民时代遗留的古朴教堂见证了当地的历史。达尔豪西于1854年以当时的英属印度总督达尔豪西勋爵(Lord Dalhousie)的名字命名。殖民地时代的建筑群散落各处,静静述说着小镇维多利亚时代的故事。
小镇附近的拉维河更是为当地的美景锦上添花。从这里,人们可以眺望到银妆素裹的比尔本贾尔岭(Pir Panjal),景色迷人无比。松树、橡树、杜鹃花和多种树木覆盖了山坡。这里还是自6世纪以来、多个古代寺庙、艺术、手工艺品和丰富的文化遗产的所在地,是完美的度假选择。当您沉醉于自然和建筑美景时,请勿忘记尝试当地老少咸宜的美味佳肴,从查哥(chha ghosht)到帕坦德(patande),应有尽有。
Perched atop a rocky ridge, with snow-clad Dhauladhar mountains and rolling emerald valleys adding to its natural beauty, Dalhousie, in Himachal Pradesh, is a quaint hill town perfect for a relaxing holiday. Lined with tall pine and deodar trees and dotted with pristine lakes and waterfalls, Dalhousie mesmerises you with its natural bounty. No wonder this secluded town was a favourite summer retreat of the British before Independence! The town preserves many remnants from its past and various quaint churches are a testimony to the colonial era. Dalhousie was named after the then governor general of British India, Lord Dalhousie, in 1854. Sprawling colonial-era buildings that are liberally scattered throughout the town, are a testament to Dalhousie's Victorian charm. Its beauty is further complemented by River Ravi flowing close by. This hill station also offers amazing views of the snow-capped Pir Panjal mountain range. Pines, oaks, rhododendrons and a number of other types of trees cover the mountain slopes. An ideal place to unwind, the hill station is a treasure of ancient temples, art, handicrafts and a rich cultural heritage that has been preserved since the 6th century. As you soak in the natural and architectural beauty, don't forget to sample the delicacies the town has to offer. From chha ghosht to patande, there's a lot on offer.

On November 9th, Dark and I got married for the 20th anniversary, and booked a meal at a prestigious restaurant near our home on Thursday night.
Surprisingly, there is a restaurant with this very modern decoration 10 minutes' drive from my home. I was bathed in hundreds of golden lights hanging under the black ceiling and reflected by the glass wall all night. I was in a magical dream and suddenly returned to a big city in my country.
It's just that there is no order in this restaurant, and there is no menu for 65 euros/person (excluding wine). There are six (mini) dishes before and after, and two appetizers are vegetarian. One is (Fig. 5) the leaf-shaped plate is filled with kimchi pickled by three small pieces of different vegetables decorated with several petals of flowers and green leaves, followed by two hot dishes. The tuna in fig. 11 and the chicken in fig. 13 are just so-so, except the creamy brown rice and cabbage with tuna. The last two desserts are nothing new, and the first dessert is decorated with a few dried chilies (Figure 16), which tastes strange and pretentious. The five of us+Dark and Nicola's wine paid nearly 400 Euros in total, so it belongs to a place I won't visit again [挤眼]

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