【快讯!#巴西第一夫人新冠病毒检测阳性#】Michelle Bolsonaro, wife of Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro, and Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Marcos Pontes are the latest high-profile Brazilians to have tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), it was announced on Thursday. The first lady, 38, "is in good health and will follow all of the established protocols," the president's office said. 当地时间30日,巴西总统府通报称,第一夫人、博索纳罗之妻米歇尔·博索纳罗新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性,目前身体状态良好。
For more: https://t.cn/A6ULmLvs

Learning English through News
Guatemala teacher pedals classroom to students in pandemic

When the novel coronavirus closed Guatemala’s schools in mid-March, teacher Gerardo Ixcoy invested his savings in a secondhand, adult tricycle.

But this is not just transportation. It’s also a mobile classroom, with plastic sheets to protect against virus transmission, a whiteboard and a small solar panel that powers an audio player he uses for some lessons.

Each day, the 27-year-old pedals among the cornfields of Santa Cruz del Quiché to give individual instruction to his sixth-grade students.

Ixcoy is known universally as “Lalito 10,” a childhood nickname that stuck. He tries to visit each of his students twice a week.

The classroom-on-a-trike was born of necessity. Ixcoy quickly realized there were challenges to remote learning in this farming community in Guatemala’s western highlands.

“The cellphones they have at home are very basic,” Ixcoy said. “They can’t download apps like Zoom that would allow you to give a virtual class.”

In the afternoon, Ixcoy pedals for home to beat the curfew. He and his wife Yessika and their 3-year-old son Dylan walk to a small plot of land they rented to grow corn as another source of income. They also planted a vegetable garden beside their home.

The families he serves often struggle to stave off hunger.

“One day the mother of a student told me they didn’t have food,” Ixcoy said. “When class ended and I began to ride away on my tricycle she calls me and with a look of gratefulness says, ‘Teacher, they gave me some food, I want to share half with you.’”

“I arrived home crying,” he recalled.

Let's work together to create a win-win situation!
As we know, Covid-19 has not disappeared and is rampant around the world. Currently, I am focused on establishing reliable supply chain for much-needed emergency supplies to health care and emergency personnel combating the Covid-19 across the world.
The emergency supplies include but not limited in novel coronavirus (COVID-19) test kit, masks (disposable, disposable surgical, KN95, N95, FFP2, FFP3), isolation gown, protective clothing, protective goggles, infrared forehead thermometer, alcoholic prep pad, Chinese medicine antibacterial wash-free hand sanitizer, etc.
If you have related client resources and demands, feel free to contact with me.

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