# Secret Forest to produce Season 3 # [OSEN Exclusive | 'Secret Forest' to produce Season 3 as a spinoff] The TV series' Secret Forest 'will return with Season 3.

According to an interview with OSEN on Friday, the production team of the drama Secret Forest is planning a third season. This time it is all the more exciting because it is preparing a spin-off version.

"Secret Forest" tells the story of a lonely prosecutor Hwang Shi-mok (Cao Seung-woo) and an action detective Han Yeo-jin (Bae Doona) to track down the truth of the incident that has been concealed. The first season of 2017 debuted as a 16-episode series to critical acclaim. Thanks to this, the second season of 2020 was also aired with 16 episodes and ended with the highest rating of 9.4%.

According to a source at the network, the third season of "The Secret Forest" will be a spin-off with an entirely new story. Therefore, it is expected that the series will continue the vein of the original series and show a unique interest through variations of the characters.

An official from Ace Factory, the production company of Secret Forest, told OSEN, "We haven't confirmed the content of the third season yet. We are discussing various possibilities.

The production team of the third season of "Secret Forest" plans to release it at the end of next year.

谁看了特步JLIN2 SE 新配色不说一声牛!不仅得到了海外知名论坛打出的A/92 高分,还有一众篮球运动员的不吝夸奖“这双鞋包裹感明显,启动不拖沓,能够助力更快变向。”林书豪也表示会穿着特步JLIN2 SE 新配色登场比赛!不愧是公认的“特步目前最好的篮球鞋”,从首发配色开始就不停的得到专业人士认可,首发也都是秒空状态!双11宠男朋友,还有比这更好的选择吗?#XTEP JLIN2 SE#https://t.cn/A6oKERwT

【新华社受权全文播发新修改的《中国共产党章程》 | Las enmiendas a los Estatutos del PCCh demuestran la intención del Partido de avanzar con los tiempos】La agencia de Noticias Xinhua ha publicado un artículo que repasa cómo se hicieron las enmiendas a los Estatutos del Partido Comunista de China. El artículo señala que el Comité Central del PCCh integró diferentes puntos de vista, respondió a la voluntad de las organizaciones y miembros del Partido en todos los niveles e hizo las enmiendas apropiadas a los Estatutos del Partido Comunista de China. Ello demuestra plenamente la intención del Partido de avanzar con los tiempos. Más: https://t.cn/A6oCE5js

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