Detail of laser cut micro-pillar in titanium alloy sample (Ti6Al4V). The diameter of the surrounding donut is 300 µm. The pillar is 100 µm tall. Diameter is 30 µm at the top and 55 µm at the bottom, due to the opening angle of the laser beam. FIB polishing would be possible to achieve straight side walls with less taper angle and even cleaner surface. The pillar is part of a 4x4 array of similar pillars. Laser machining time for one pillar 10 s, for the 4x4 array 2.5 mins. FOV 346.6 µm.
Crossbeam 350 laser, SESI detector, 5 kV.

"The UAE’s response to COVID 19 has prioritized the health and safety of everyone living here with an approach that focuses on comprehensive testing as the first and best line of defense against the virus. This continues to be the case, as we begin to carefully reopen the economy. So far, the UAE has carried out over 3 million COVID tests – that’s the highest per capita ratio in the world," Dr. Al Jaber said.

The World Government Summit is a global platform dedicated to shaping the future of governments worldwide. The summit’s virtual series on "COVID-19 & Government" is bringing together experts, government officials, thought leaders, and decision-makers to participate in a series of online sessions to discuss the disruptions in government and processes due to COVID-19.

WAM/Hassan Bashir

Thu 25-06-2020 20:13 PM
US State Department praises Al Azhar’s efforts to promote tolerance, counter terrorism

WASHINGTON, 25th June, 2020 (WAM) -- The US State Department praised the efforts of Al Azhar, led by His Eminence Dr. Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al Azhar and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, in cooperation with Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, to promote tolerance and counter extremism.

In its annual report on counter-terrorism, the department noted that Dr. el-Tayeb and Pope Francis signed the Human Fraternity Document in February 2019 to help counter extremism and promote the values of fraternity.

The report also highlighted the efforts of Al Azhar to counter terrorism, through its messages shared in its statements and publications, as well as its educational curriculum that reinforces the values of tolerance, adding that Al Azhar has published new academic literature emphasising the relations between Muslims and Christians and promoting equal rights among peoples from different religions.

The report on global terrorism pointed out that Al Azhar is organising conferences that focus on counter-terrorism, in cooperation with relevant international organisations.

WAM/Hassan Bashir

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