China aims to launch Chang'e-6 lunar probe around 2024
China aims to launch the Chang'e-6 probe to collect samples in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon around 2024, said a space expert on Saturday.
Hu Hao, the chief designer of the third stage of China's lunar exploration program, told the China Space Conference, held in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, that detailed designing on the mission is in progress.
China launched the Chang'e-5 probe in 2020, successfully bringing home 1,731 grams of moon samples.
As the backup of the Chang'e-5 mission, the Chang'e-6 mission would also collect lunar samples automatically for comprehensive analysis and research.(Source: Xinhua)


Players may use the native programs MS Paint and Notepad during and before
Matches. The following restrictions apply:
● Any language or imagery created by players on native programs will be held
to the same conduct standards laid forth in Section 7 of the Global Policy.
● Any advertisement or mention of Teams, sponsors, and brands is prohibited
on native programs, including advertisement of personal brands and social
media or communication accounts.
● Any strategy notes on native programs created in Pre-Match Setup must be
deleted before the Match begins.
● Any pause that Tournament Officials deem is a direct or indirect result of
players using native programs will be considered impermissible and will be
sanctioned. Tournament Officials will not offer round restarts or remakes (as
described in Section 8) for bugs that occur due to usage of native programs.
For clarity, usage of native programs includes the act of switching
application windows to access native programs.
Tournament Officials may sanction players for violations of these restrictions
and may prohibit players from accessing native programs in cases of abuse.

On May 16, 2021, the 2020 Basketball Hall of Fame Awards ceremony was held, and Kobe Kobe was officially inducted into the Hall of Fame. Vanessa gave a speech at the award ceremony, and she said emotionally, "My children, I'm glad you can witness this important historical period of my father. Your father is a great father, a great basketball player. He loves you very much. Congratulations, Kobe. All your efforts and sacrifices have paid off. I remember you told me that you should improve yourself rather than focus on others. I'm glad you did all this in yourself. you're a successful person. you did it. You're inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame now. You are not only the most valuable player, but also a historical athlete. I'll always love you. Kobe.

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