Some day we gon' set it off

Some day we gon' get this off

Baby, don't you bet it all

On a pack of Fentanyl

You might think they wrote you off

They gon' have to rope me off

Someday the drama'll be gone

And they'll pray no oh no

Sometimes I take all the shine

Talk like I drank all the wine

Years ahead but way behind

I'm on one, two, three, four, five

No half-truths, just naked minds

Caught between space and time

This not what we had in mind

But maybe someday

I drank Han’s water yesterday;
Today Moon Bright Tower I climb on.
To my eyes Sui’s court willows sway;
The pleasure boats and sails are gone.
South Land nurtures my dream of lust;
In West Lake I row, carrying wine.
Now romance has turned into dust;
Stop your daydream and no more pine.
——赵彦春 英译

My analyst told me that I was right out of my head
The way he described it, he said I'd be better dead than live
I didn't listen to his jive
I knew all along he was all wrong
And I knew that he thought I was crazy but I'm not
Oh no!

My analyst told me that I was right out of my head
He said I'd need treatment but I'm not that easily led
He said I was the type that was most inclined
When out of his sight to be out of my mind
And he thought I was nuts, no more ifs or ands or buts
Oh no!

They say as a child I appeared a little bit wild
With all my crazy ideas
But I knew what was happenin', I knew I was a genius
What's so strange when you know that you're a wizard at three?
I knew that this was meant to be

Well I heard little children were supposed to sleep tight
That's why I drank a fifth of vodka one night
My parents got frantic, didn't know what to do
But I saw some crazy scenes before I came to
Now do you think I was crazy?
I may have been only three but I was swingin'

They all laughed at Al Graham Bell
They all laughed at Edison and also at Einstein
So why should I feel sorry if they just couldn't understand
The litany and the logic that went on in my head?
I had a brain, it was insane
Don't you let them laugh at me
When I refused to ride on all those double decker buses
All because there was no driver on the top

My analyst told me that I was right out of my head
But I said "Dear doctor, I think that it's you instead
'Cause I have got a thing that's unique and new
It proves that I'll have the last laugh on you
'Cause instead of one head... I got two
And you know two heads are better than one"

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  • 肖战顺顺利利 肖战粉丝支持肖战影视综艺代言 我喜欢肖战[心] ​ ​​​你迷人的微笑,是我快乐的味道;你细腻的温柔,是我心动的征兆;你无限的幸福,是我没完没了的
  • 你那不一样的眼光, 宛如是一盏明亮的灯, 黑夜里照亮我的心房。 你那不一样的眼光, 令我在心里欣喜若狂。
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  • !* 附加一条:由于有累计兑换机制,为了避免混淆和混乱,本周开始通知到中奖的小伙伴请务必在一周(7天)之内微博私xin回复联系我们:选择累计兑换还是单周兑换的方
  • 预计杨安泽将在 10 月 5 日出版他的新书《前进:关于我们民主的未来的笔记》的同时开始宣布建党。中国电影市场的可能性在不断被重新定义,每部电影在宣传时,都被
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