Olya Maliarchuk
Оля Малярчук
First Name: Olya
Last Name: Maliarchuk
Nationality: Ukrainian
Date of Birth: 24 May
Place of Birth: Kiev, Ukraine
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Measurements: (US) 36-24-36; (EU) 90-61-90
Height: 5´10; 178cm
Dress Size: (US) 5; (EU) 36
Shoe Size: (US) 9; (EU) 40

Olga Kobzar
Ольга Кобзар
First Name: Olga
Last Name: Kobzar
Nationality: Russian
Date of Birth: 24.May 1991
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Measurements: (US) 35-23-36 ; (EU) 88-60-90
Height: 5’7; 165cm
Dress Size: (US) 6; (EU) 38
Shoe Size: (US) 6; (EU) 37
Ins: olgakobzar_model

Giant congenital melanocytic nevus
is a skin condition characterized by an abnormally dark, noncancerous skin patch (nevus) that is composed of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. ⠀

⏩It is present from birth or is noticeable soon after birth. The nevus may be small in infants, but it will usually grow at the same rate the body grows and will eventually be at least 40 cm (15.75 inches) across. ⠀

⏩The nevus can appear anywhere on the body, but it is more often found on the trunk or limbs. The color ranges from tan to black and can become darker or lighter over time.⠀

⏩The surface of a nevus can be flat, rough, raised, thickened, or bumpy; the surface can vary in different regions of the nevus, and it can change over time. The skin of the nevus is often dry and prone to irritation and itching. ⠀

⏩Excessive hair growth can occur within the nevus. There is often less fat tissue under the skin of the nevus; the skin may appear thinner there than over other areas of the body.⠀

⏩Affected individuals may feel anxiety or emotional stress due to the impact the nevus may have on their appearance and their health. Children with giant congenital melanocytic nevus can develop emotional or behavior problems.⠀

⏩Some people with giant congenital melanocytic nevus develop a condition called neurocutaneous melanosis, which is the presence of pigment-producing skin cells (melanocytes) in the tissue that covers the brain and spinal cord. These melanocytes may be spread out or grouped together in clusters. Their growth can cause increased pressure in the brain, leading to headache, vomiting, irritability, seizures, and movement problems. Tumors in the brain may also develop.⠀

⏩Individuals with giant congenital melanocytic nevus have an increased risk of developing an aggressive form of skin cancer called melanoma, which arises from melanocytes.⠀

⏩Melanoma commonly begins in the nevus, but it can develop when melanocytes that invade other tissues, such as those in the brain and spinal cord, become cancerous.⠀

⏩Other types of tumors can also develop including sarcomas,lipomas, and schwannomas.

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