首先是我想说的一点话 因为我真的嘴很 笨所以就把我的想法写下来了 给方彬涵 我们很像却也很不一样 我愿用 我所有的敏感 细腻 迟钝 兜住你所有的 脆弱 动摇 伤心忧愁怀疑和失望。用所有的踏实坚韧和奇思妙想给你所有的幸 福安全还有惊喜。你可以永远是那个唱着歌相信这世间所有美好的小女孩 因为 从一开始的开始我就足够笃定你足够难 得 我也会足够珍惜 斯人如彩虹遇上方知有 然后这是我这些 天接触下来的最大的心意吧

嗯 然后还有一个小小的东西 这不是我 们每一次见面约会什么的都很奇怪的去 到了一个海边 然后很奇怪都是一个非常 糟糕的海 所以呢在你生日那天 五月十 三啊 我找了一艘游艇啊 让我们可以开
出海去啊 然后我就不信找不到阳光的 海这是结束之后的第一次 mini date

“ 有一刻了解到意识到在我眼前的她是 怎么样一个坚强独立勇敢的女孩”
“从那天开始,我所有的行动还有喜欢 都变成一种笃定,想要去了解她,甚至 是守护她 ”
“可能我看不清就是分不了彩虹的颜色, 但是我能分得清她的每种情绪,每个表情,谢谢你我的彩虹”
First of all, I want to say something because I really mouth is very stupid so I wrote down my ideas.
To Melody we are very similar but also very different I would like to use all my sensitive delicate slow to cover all your fragile shake sad sorrow doubt and disappointment. With all the steadiness and tenacity and whimsy to give you all the happiness and safety and surprise. You can always be the little girl who sings and believes in all the good things in the world because from the very beginning I've been sure enough of you and hard enough to cherish
Yeah, and then there's this little thing. It's not like every time we meet, go on a date or something, it's weird. Go to a beach, and it's weird
Go out to sea and I can't believe I can't find the sun in the sea this is the first mini date since the end But I can't say no because I made the rules
"I knew for a moment what I was looking at in front of me a strong, independent, brave girl."
"From that day on, all my actions and likes became a determination to get to know her, even to protect her."
"Maybe I can't tell the colours of the rainbow, but I can tell every emotion, every expression, thank you for my rainbow

Words are Windows
(or They’re Walls)
I feel so sentenced by your words,
I feel so judged and sent away,
Before I go I’ve got to know
Is that what you mean to say?
Before I rise to my defense,
Before I speak in hurt or fear,
Before I build that wall of words,
Tell me, did I really hear?
Words are windows, or they’re walls,
They sentence us, or set us free.
When I speak and when I hear,
Let the love light shine through me.
There are things I need to say,
Things that mean so much to me,
If my words don’t make me clear,
Will you help me to be free?
If I seemed to put you down,
If you felt I didn’t care,
Try to listen through my words
To the feelings that we share.
—Ruth Bebermeyer

Lyrics[抱一抱] Why are you crying?

Why are you crying?
If you have a God
Who takes care of you, oh
And never forgot you
He knows everything
That you're passing by
And sent to tell you
That He is taking care
Remember where you came from
And where did you go
Remember all booklets
That you've been through
It wasn't even for you 'here
But God spoke like that
This one I'm going to get up
And where to put my hand I will bless
Don't cry those who care for you don't sleep
Get up, there are a lot of people who love you
God sent you to say it will happen
God told you that everything will pass
Remember where you came from
And where did you go
Remember all booklets
That you've been through
It wasn't even for you 'here
But God spoke like that
This one I'm going to get up
And where to put my hand I will bless
Don't cry those who care for you don't sleep
Get up, there are a lot of people who love you
God sent you to say it will happen
God told you that everything will pass
Don't cry those who care for you don't sleep
Get up, there are a lot of people who love you
God sent you to say it will happen
God told you that everything will pass

Letra da Musica Tá Chorando Por Quê?

Tá chorando por quê?
Se você tem um Deus
Que cuida de você, oh
E jamais te esqueceu
Ele sabe de tudo
Que você 'tá passando
E mandou te dizer
Que Ele está cuidando
Lembra de onde você veio
E aonde que você chegou
Lembra de todos os livramentos
Que você já passou
Nem era para você 'tá aqui
Mas Deus falou assim
Esse aí vou levantar
E onde colocar a mão eu vou abençoar
Não chore quem cuida de você não dorme
Levanta, tem muita gente que te ama
Deus mandou te dizer que vai acontecer
Deus mandou te falar que tudo vai passar
Lembra de onde você veio
E aonde que você chegou
Lembra de todos os livramentos
Que você já passou
Nem era para você 'tá aqui
Mas Deus falou assim
Esse aí vou levantar
E onde colocar a mão eu vou abençoar
Não chore quem cuida de você não dorme
Levanta, tem muita gente que te ama
Deus mandou te dizer que vai acontecer
Deus mandou te falar que tudo vai passar
Não chore quem cuida de você não dorme
Levanta, tem muita gente que te ama
Deus mandou te dizer que vai acontecer
Deus mandou te falar que tudo vai passar

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  • 一毛不拔是普遍世人的心理,没有种下福田,享完上辈子积的福报,都得还债,所吃所杀所伤害别人的一一用自体变那样还,一直都在讲人身真的很难得,没有为己种下福田,也就没
  • 免得有些不明事理的小妹妹不知道只会听别人胡说哈 刚回学校忙完上午的作业任务就被朋友告知收到栽赃 那我还是说说吧早上被Wmj骂以及挡手机的是棍鱼双担之所以为什么被
  • 女主这边呢,一开始就把男主当好朋友,但男主真的掏心掏肺的对她好,把她当成最珍贵的小草。不过慢慢的,男主发现女主居然对待其他人和自己一模一样,简直气得要吐血,女主
  • 【节目预告】天津经济广播今天的节目预告:早上8点全新节目《经广早点道》与您相约,头头是道的财经资讯,津津乐道的民生话题,在累积财富的道路上为你加油打气;中午11
  • Soulmate•今日 下雨天☔️苏媚的私教宝宝 风雨无阻[666][666] 后续增至34位私教[鼓掌] #运动##健身##自律##减肥##运动生活##
  • 但我一早因《小童的故事》却又重提一下往事,因为当初,我曾发给于妹看过,做为小说责编的她,却认真定义:虽写得不错,但不能叫小说!小说内容是张扬的,但是往事,往作,
  • #华晨宇[超话]# 因为第一次看花花的演唱会,所以叫了好几位朋友一起抢,结果多抢了1张(4月30号的1280,成都站)[允悲][允悲](我已经被好几个火姐告知
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  • 女主这边呢,一开始就把男主当好朋友,但男主真的掏心掏肺的对她好,把她当成最珍贵的小草。于是男主开启自我攻略,不管女主做什么,说什么,都各种脑补,觉得这是女主对自
  • 我发消息给你,你发消息给我,不忙的时候秒回,忙的话,忙完了一定回复,凡事有交代,事事有回应。不用担心会打扰对方,没有欺骗,没有隐瞒,没有心机,没有顾虑,想说就说
  • 在我的眼中,妈祖故里像是一个会说话的老者,向我们诉说着一位平凡而又不平凡的湄洲女子成长的故事。思念的痛让我支离破碎,在没有你的城市里,我苦苦的、孤独的徘徊着。
  • (图源官微不妥删)#铃芽之旅[超话]#今天的月亮好圆 但当我举起手机拍照的时候 我才反应过来我很久没关注过身边的风景了 就算每天遛狗遇到春天开的五颜六色的花我也
  • 他的操作适用大部分股民,比较简单实用,但需要有几点要做得到:1、每次把仓位做足,9点半10分钟内没有启动行情,不管亏多少,离场观望;2、顺利启动行情之后,回踩进
  • 仅从外观上看,市面上大多数品牌集成灶都很美观大气,但一旦拆机,就会发现一塌糊涂,线路凌乱,部件堆叠;为日后产品维护维修增加极大难度,并且还留下许多安全隐患。星球
  • ほかのパーツをベージュ系でそろえ、落ち着かせるのもコツ です」(猪股さん)#高桥光[超话]##高桥光##髙桥ひかる#骑士唯一一篇报道U18日本代表候補合宿に参
  • 我最近的一些手游状态⬇️原:不清体力不做日常不盖房子彻底摆烂的旅行者一枚呀(问就是沙楼刷了一个月只掉了一个双爆羽毛心如死灰了[可爱])未:为什么你那么好看那么精
  • 当时两个人还是娱乐圈的素人, 但因为张国荣的这句话,大家对他们更加关注,也让他们在娱乐圈有了更好的发展,而这些人都出现在4月1日在纪念他的歌迷会上。颁奖的正是张
  • ”#碎碎念念# 原本我的想法是,一拖三,没有直飞就不回去了,但这几天在娃们的大力又坚决的推动下,老母亲终于完成了第一步:出票[允悲]周一,娃们提出要回去的时候,
  • 消耗食材:猪肉36.8斤,青笋25斤,干木耳0.5斤,萝卜20斤,冬瓜34斤,紫菜6包,鸡蛋15个,大米45斤,食用油15斤,调料若干 . ​​ ​​​印度,
  • 其他区域我真的不敢保证增长,但是我能确确地地肯定经开区核心区域的价值翻倍不奇怪,不谈通货膨胀每年8%左右的涨幅,五年后将超46%的通过膨胀,而且所说的,核心区域