Algerian diplomacy regains position, says President Tebboune

ALGIERS- President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune affirmed Saturday that the Algerian diplomacy has regained its position after having “hit rock bottom,” as evidenced by the statements of the United Nations’ Secretary General, the European Union and big countries on Algeria’s role in restoring peace and stability in Africa and neighborhood.
Supervising on Saturday, at the Palace of Nations, the Government-Walis meeting, President Tebboune said that “the Algeria diplomacy has regained its position after having hit rock bottom,” as evidenced, he added, “by the statement of “the Secretary General of the United Nations and big countries like USA, Russia, China and the European Union which all have underlined the role of Algeria in restoring peace and stability in Africa and neighborhood.”
As regards the situation in Libya, President Tebboune reiterated Algeria’s solidarity with “the Libyans brothers until the country restores stability and resources,” affirming that the elections are the only way to reach a solution to the situation in this country.
“In the absence of elections’ legitimacy, we content ourselves with the international legality, i.e. the decisions of the Security Council,” he said, condemning the attempts of some sides to form a parallel government to the government of the National Unity, recognized by the international community.
While regretting the situation in the Sahel region, President of the Republic insisted on the implementation of the agreement on peace and reconciliation in Mali, stemming from Algiers process, which remains the “only consensual solution that preserves Mali’s territorial integrity.”
Algeria, which doesn’t tolerate any division attempt in Mali, will not abandon the Sahel States, affirmed President Tebboune.
Concerning Niger, the Head of State underlined Algeria’s multiple relations with this neighboring country, just like Mali. In this respect, he mentioned “late Sheikhs El Maghili and El Kounti and even others who spread our religion in Africa, a religion of the middle ground.”
As regards the Sahrawi cause, President Tebboune said that it is an “issue of principle,” and an issue of decolonization whose file is at the level of the UN decolonization committee.

The Palestinian issue is considered by the Algerians, said President Tebboune, as “an essential and national issue,” adding that Algeria, which doesn’t accept colonization, supports that “Palestine belongs only to Palestinians.”









【10月6日】不速之客2022双张专辑巡演 武汉站

对于一支创作力旺盛且一直在路上巡演的Pure Rock Band来说,永远不会停止在音乐创作上的探索和自我突破,不速之客野心勃勃,一张双碟专辑使他们一直在脑海里盘算的事。




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