Göreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia



七姊妹瀑布由一系列的七个瀑布组成,横向排列在悬崖上,是东北地区最美丽的景点之一。可以在三个不同的层次中看到它,从远处可以非常清楚地区分。您只能从底部查看七个瀑布中的四个,因为其他三个要高得多。一座小人行天桥蜿蜒穿过溪流,游客可以近距离欣赏令人耳目一新的景色。这个地方在季风期间(6 月和 7 月)特别有吸引力,此时瀑布充满了压倒性的水流,涌出崎岖不平岩壁。流水打在下面的石灰岩上,听起来几乎像雷声。这个地方是摄影师的梦想之地,是家庭的古朴野餐场所。
这个美丽的瀑布位于北锡金高速公路上,距离甘托克 32 公里,在前往拉冲的路上。
Seven Sisters Waterfall
A series of seven waterfalls, arranged sideways on a cliff, the Seven Sisters Waterfall is one of the most beautiful sites in the Northeast. It can be seen in three distinct tiers, very clearly distinguishable from a distance. You can only view four of the seven falls from the bottom, since the other three are much higher up. A small footbridge wounds its way across the stream and tourists can enjoy the refreshing sight at close quarters.The place is particularly attractive during monsoon (in the months of June and July) when the falls are imbued with an overpowering flow, gushing over the rugged rock wall. The streaming water hits the limestones underneath, sounding almost like thunder. The place is a photographer's dream, and makes for a quaint picnic spot for families.
In order to ingratiate the falls to tourists, the Tourism and Civil Aviation Department has constructed a small shed and cafeteria for people to stop for a longer time and take pictures of this natural wonder.
This gorgeous waterfall is located 32 km from Gangtok on the North Sikkim Highway, on the way to Lachung.

【Announcement丨第二批名单!三亚临时征用21家酒店宾馆为集中隔离场所】根据全市疫情防控形势需要,依据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》等有关法律法规规定,三亚市人民政府在第一批临时征用的基础上,决定自即日起临时征用三亚湾假日度假酒店等21家酒店宾馆(名单详见附件)作为集中隔离场所。有关事项仍按2022年8月17日征用通告执行。According to the situation of pandemic prevention and control in Sanya, in line with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and other relevant laws and regulations, The People's Government of Sanya City has decided to temporarily requisition 21 hotels such as Holiday Inn Resort Sanya Bay as quarantine sites from today. Relevant affairs will be dealt with according to the requirements announced in the requisition notice of August 17, 2022.详情:

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