
USSR Order “Patriotic War” 2nd Class #458726 with research.
Sulimov Vladimir Konstantinovich (Сулимов Владимир Константинович) – lieutenant-colonel, male, birth in 1912, member of CPSU since 1940, lover education, Russian, served in 25.10.1933.
Was awarded by:

Medal “for Military Merit” #1312327
Order “Patriotic War” 2nd Class #458726
Order “Red Star” #2880140
Order “Patriotic War” 2nd Class #458726 awarded for:

Sulimov Vladimir Konstantinovich – major, chief of head quarter of 165 rifle regiment of 79 rifle division.
From beginning of combat actions organized clear management in combat by regiment’s head quarter. Timely secured commander of regiment by needed documents of management by squads in combat.
In result of correct organization of work of regiment’s head quarter has combat success on front and timely performing of combat tasks of division’s command in struggle of Japanese internationalists.
Deserves awarding by order “Patriotic war 1st Class”.

Chief of head quarter of 79 rifle division
Lieutenant-colonel Klinovskiy.

Work in head quarter.


USSR Order “Red Star” #2769989 with research.

Vertela Mikhail Femich (Вертрела Михалил Фемич) – soldier, male, birth in 1919, not party member, education 1 class, Ukrainian, served in Red Army from 6. 1941 to 3.1944.
Was awarded by:

Order “Red Star” #2769989
Order “Red Star” #2769989 awarded for:

Vertela Mikhail Femich – red army soldier, signalman of mortar company of 929 rifle regiment of 11 army of Leningrad’s front. Now state farmer.
Being in staff of department of communication company of 929 rifle regiment of 11 Army, Leningrad’s front as signalman and performing tasks of commander of mortar company – secured communication of front observation post with mortar’s fire positions, Vertela in February 21, 1943 with signalmen moved 150-200 meters to front edge of enemy’s defense on distance.
Vertela established telephone communication between Observation Post and fire position, that secured that advancing of units of 929 rifle regiment was supported by fire of mortar company and developed successfully. Vertela was badly wounded by mine fragments in hands and left leg.
Deserves awarding by Governmental award.
Was not captured and surrounded. On occupied territory not lived.
Nowadays he disabled person 3rd group, with amputated left foot.

Military commissar-major /Udovichenko/

“9” October 1946.

Disabled person of WWII.



"Because this is my first official photobook, I was involved in many elements of it, including the concept, photography, and storytelling. I worked very hard on it because I want others to see who I am through this photobook. I've also included my drawing here. I hope everyone likes it." - Dew Jirawat

Dew Jirawat's first official photobook. See Dew in his true light, the man who likes arts, painting, and photography. Dew wishes to show everyone his true self through this photobook and reveal stories of the images that have never been told before.

- Photobook - 20 x 26 cm, 120 pages
- Postcard - 2 postcards (4 x 6”)
- Exclusive photocard - 1 photocard (5.5 x 8.5 cm)
- Postcard - 1 drawing by Dew Jirawat with his autograph (5 x 7”)

All pre-order purchases of Falling Palettes The official photobook of Dew Jirawat will get a chance be one of 100 lucky winners to receive hand-signed autograph of Dew Jirawat
*Notes: 1 Account/1 Right to win the chance

Pre-Order opens from today until 11 September 2022.
Shipments begin in mid October 2022.


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