系唔系就来某油 渠去到右边了喔。
系咩 系某油咩?
然后去了加油站 一开油箱 差不多满油 最后加了5块钱的油。。。。
噫 原来满的 那他为什么指针滑过去了加油站⛽️
又说学人家读英文 e系唔系empty f系唔系full阿。
系喔 你又好似讲得岩岩滴。[跪了]

Where the north meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come my darling homeward bound
When all is lost then all is found
这些歌词出自冰雪奇缘2插曲All is found,虽然歌词和这条微博没什么联系,但是,当听到两公主逝去的妈妈温柔地唱这首歌曲,却总有着莫名的感动。疫情发生了太多感动的事情,愿世界好起来吧❤️
#航空那些事儿##航空文化[超话]##航空摄影[超话]##飞机##春日飞机大赏##航空##航空摄影##航空文化##抗疫##抗疫路上有书不孤单##守护抗疫平民英雄# https://t.cn/R08fC6t

Arma Hobby新品预告-1/72 格鲁曼 F4F-4/FM-2 野猫引擎建模 #模型网新品预告#
Today, the answer to the most common question about the Wildcat model: about the engine. Some modellers were slightly disappointed with photos of the engine on the sprues. Indeed, it may seem at first glance that this is a simplified double-row radial engine. However, the FM-2 had a different powerplant than previous versions, and its full body shape is available in the set. See precisely how the engine in the latest Arma Hobby model looks.

The engine of the FM-2 Wildcat model

The FM-2 was powered with the popular Wright R1820 single row radial engine. It was a power unit that revitalised the aeroplane, increasing its performance. An interesting feature of this drive unit is the metal inserts filling of the space between the cylinders. They direct the airflow closer to the cylinder, improving its cooling. Therefore, the engine in the model at first glance looks like a half engine, with a circular back wall. But if you look at the back of this part, you can see the other half of the cylinders and exhaust pipe exits and fuel pipes supplying the mixture to the cylinders. There are four more air inlets between the lower cylinders at the front (the photo-etched parts add a grille to these inlets). The continuation of these inlets can be found on the firewall.

Firewall and exhaust pipes
The firewall in the FM-2 was utterly different in the previous version: F4F. Also, to the wall were attached exhausts. After assembly, they will be visible in the cutouts on the sides of the hull. A specific feature of the aircraft is the asymmetry: there are three pipes on the starboard side and only two on the port side. With four pipes on the bottom, this makes a total of nine pipes, which is as many as the number of were cylinders. The engine crankcase is a separate element together with 18 valve tappets. Also, the aggregate with a photoetched drive chain is added to the crankcase. The last addition to the look of the engine in the model are decals with nameplates for the engine crankcase.

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