
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met the press Thursday morning on the sidelines of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress.Wang briefed journalists from home and abroad on China's foreign policies and answer questions on a wide range of diplomatic issues.

王毅:中国维护南海和平稳固决心不可动摇 诚意始终如一

China has strong resolve and deep commitment to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday.

"China's position is firm and consistent," Wang said.

China follows a responsible approach to the South China Sea issue, taking into account interests of the Chinese people, historical facts, regional peace and the international rule of law, he said.



China is on a long march to modernization and it has no need or intention to replace the United States' international role.

"Some Americans allege that China will replace America's role in the world. This conclusion is fundamentally wrong," Wang said.

Despite elements of competition, China-U.S. ties are defined more by partnership, not rivalry, he said.



王毅:“沿海一路”合作由参与方商量着办 都在阳光下运作

The Belt and Road Initiative is a global public good that follows international rules, Wang Yi said.

It is an international cooperation platform that follows market principles, Wang said.


王毅:中印要龙象共舞 而不是龙象争斗

Foreign Minister Wang Yi called mutual trust "an issue that needs to be addressed urgently" between China and India.

"With political trust, not even the Himalayas can stop us from friendly exchanges. Without it, not even level land can bring us together."

Chinese and Indian leaders have developed a strategic vision for the future bilateral ties, which is the Chinese "dragon" and the Indian "elephant" must not fight but dance with each other, he said.

Stressing that shared understanding between the two countries far outstrips difference and common interests far outweigh frictions, Wang said China is willing and ready to carry on traditional friendship.

He said he hopes the two sides will replace suspicion with trust, manage differences through dialogue and build a future through cooperation.



王毅:只要日方不迟疑、不折腾、不倒退 中国愿相向而行

Wang Yi said that Japan should earnestly implement the political understanding that "China and Japan see each other as partners, not threats."

China is willing to work with Japan to restore the relationship to healthy and steady growth, as long as Japan "does not prevaricate, flip-flop or backpedal and instead accepts and welcomes China's development," Wang said.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the signing of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.

"Never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission. At this important juncture, we ask Japan to have political credibility and act accordingly to cement the political foundation of its relations with China," Wang said.



王毅:“中国崩溃论”变成国际笑柄 新翻版更加刚愎自用

It is time the "China threat theory" was laid to rest, Wang Yi said.

Those who do not have bias or practice double standards will see in China not a threat, but plenty of opportunities, Wang told a press conference on the sidelines of the national legislature's annual session.

"As China grows, the 'China collapse theory' has collapsed and become an international laughing stock. Meanwhile, the 'China threat theory' with its various sensational versions is losing market," he said.




President Xi Jinping, as the chief architect of China's major-country diplomacy, has been personally involved in planning and conducting "brilliant" head-of-state diplomacy, Wang Yi said.

Xi has visited 57 countries and received more than 110 foreign heads of state since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, deepening the world's understanding of China, enhancing China's profile and influence, and facilitating the solution to many global problems, Wang said.

"President Xi's leadership and charisma has earned him and his country many good friends, among foreign leaders who represent a diverse range of cultures and social systems," he said.



Foreign Minister Wang Yi introduced the main highlights of four events to be held in China this year.

First, Boao Forum for Asia annual conference will take place in Hainan this April, and focus on reform and opening-up.

Second, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit will take place in Qingdao this June, and focus on revitalizing the Shanghai Spirit.

Third, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation summit will take place in Beijing this September, and focus on the Belt and Road Initiative.

Fourth, the First China International Import Expo will take place in Shanghai this November, and focus on further market opening.






王毅:中俄深化合作没有止境 中俄关系没有最合适只有更好

Foreign Minister Wang Yi voiced strong confidence in China-Russia relationship, saying "sky is the limit" for bilateral cooperation.

"The China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is as stable as Mount Tai," Wang said.

"There is always room to make the relationship even better," said Wang.

The confidence comes from the strong trust and friendship between the heads of state of the two countries, which is fundamental to the further development of the bilateral relationship, he said.

It also comes from the deepening of cooperation in many fields, the firm support for each other's core interests, the close coordination in international affairs, and the growing exchanges between the two sides, said Wang.



China looks to upgrade the strategic partnership and build a closer community of shared future with ASEAN, Wang Yi said.

China will continue to put the cooperation with ASEAN high on its agenda of international cooperation this year.



Foreign Minister Wang Yi welcomed African countries to board China's "fast train of development."

"As we work together for a community with a shared future for humanity, African brothers and sisters are welcome to get on board China's fast train of development," Wang said.

Changes in the world will not break China-Africa friendship or China's promise of sincerity, real results, friendship and good faith to Africa, Wang said.

"Africa's concerns are China's concerns. Africa's priorities are China's priorities," he said.

Africa faces challenges of maintaining peace and security and promoting development and revitalization. China will step up mediation in regional flash points as well as cooperation with African countries to tackle unconventional security threats such as terrorism, piracy and natural disaster, and help them build capacity for ensuring their peace and security, he said.




我们解决南海问题的立足点,是对中国人民负责,对历史事实负责,对地区和平负责,对国际法治负责。Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met the press Thursday morning on the sidelines of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress.Wang briefed journalists from home and abroad on China's foreign policies and answer questions on a wide range of diplomatic issues.王毅:中国维护南海和平稳定决心不可动摇 诚意始终如一,China has strong resolve and deep commitment to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday."China's position is firm and consistent," Wang said.China follows a responsible approach to the South China Sea issue, taking into account interests of the Chinese people, historical facts, regional peace and the international rule of law, he said.中国维护南海和平稳定的决心不可动摇,诚意始终如一。

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