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The Crying Rocks - Janet Taylor Lisle 电子书mobi+epub- Age Range: 12 and up - Reissue edition (May 16, 2017) - From Newbery Honor author Janet Taylor Lisle comes a lyrical story about one girl’s discovery of her startling past—and her search to understand her complicated present.


Pride at Parliament (LGBT history) tours on 8 July 2017

Rainbow Flag flying over the Houses of Parliament Pride 2016
22 May 2017

These first ever Pride at Parliament tours mark 50 years since the passing of the Sexual Offences Act 1967 and 60 years since the presentation of the Wolfenden Report in 1957.

The tours highlight the significant part played by LGBT people in Parliament, as leaders, legislators, activists, lobbyists and monarchs.

The story explores the struggle for civil rights from universal condemnation and victimisation to the freedoms and rights enjoyed today.

Tours are available on the following date:

Saturday 8 July 2017 at 9.40am and 12 noon
Further tours will be added later this year.

The journey begins in Westminster Hall with tales of medieval kings before passing through St Stephen’s Hall and into Central Lobby. As the tour moves into the Lords and Commons Chambers, narratives from sovereigns and members of both Houses are brought to life through the art and architecture of the Palace of Westminster.

These 75 minute guided tours are followed by 15 minutes of question time and are brought to life by friendly Visitor Assistant Guides.

Advanced ticket prices and booking

Adults: £25.50
Concessions (over 60s, students, UK Armed Forces): £21
Children (up to 15 years): £11
This tour is not recommended for younger children. ID may be requested for students and UK Armed Forces concessions.

Tickets can be purchased online, by calling +44 (0)20 7219 4114 or in person from the Ticket Office at the front of Portcullis House on Victoria Embankment.

Other tours of Parliament

Ticketed audio and guided tours through the Houses of Parliament are available on Saturdays throughout the year and most weekdays during parliamentary recesses.

Find out about other tours
Further information

During the past 200 years Parliament has focused its attention on a wide range of issues affecting people's personal lives in relation to marriage, divorce and sexuality.

Discover more about Parliament and relationship legislation
Find out more about Parliament's workplace equality network.

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