

Ontario has scrapped its mandatory five-day isolation rule for individuals who test positive for COVID-19 as part of an “all respiratory virus approach” to an expected rise in general illnesses in the fall.

Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore said Wednesday individuals who feel ill should isolate while symptomatic and return to work or school 24 hours after their symptoms come to an end.

上周Keywords Studios参加了2022科隆游戏展,并在现场和我们的Chief Commercial Officer Mike Wallen进行了一场非常有价值的直播访谈。
Mike 解释到,每条服务线都有一个解决方案架构师,不光了解每个工作室的特点,同时也对该服务线的每个环节都了如指掌。这样,就能根据客户的需要来匹配最合适的合作伙伴。
“像这样的线下展会你可以清晰地看到玩家们对于游戏和IP的热情。这些游戏的展出实际上也是我们工作的一种展示,尽管Keywords Studios可能只参与了其中的一部分。”
#2022科隆游戏展# #德国·德国科隆[地点]#

Extended meeting between President Tebboune, Ethiopian PM
ALGIERS- President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune on Monday held discussions at the presidency of the Republic, extended to the delegations of the two countries, with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia, who is on a to-day official visit to Algeria.
The discussions were attended by Prime Minister Aymen Benabderrahmane, the minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra, the chief of staff of the presidency of the Republic, Abdelaziz Khellaf, the minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Abdelbaki Benziane, and the minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Youcef Chorfa.
Earlier, President Tebboune gave an official welcome to the Ethiopian prime minister at the presidency of the Republic.

Ethiopian prime minister lays wreath at Martyr's Memorial
ALGIERS- Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia on Sunday laid a wreath at the commemorative stele of the Martyr's Memorial in Algiers, and observed a minute of silence in tribute to the martyrs of the glorious National Liberation War.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali went later to the National Mujaheed Museum, where he received information on the different stages of Algerian history, especially the struggle for the recovery of national sovereignty.
Earlier on Sunday afternoon, the prime minister arrived in Algiers for a two-day official visit to Algeria.
He was welcomed, upon his arrival in Houari-Boumediene international airport of Algiers, by Prime Minister Aymen Benabderrahmane and members of the government.

Ethiopian PM visits Saidal production unit in El Harrach
ALGIERS- Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia, on a two-day visit to Algeria, visited Monday the production unit dedicated to dry forms of the pharmaceutical group Saidal in El Harrach, Algiers.
The Ethiopian prime minister was accompanied, during the visit to the pharmaceutical facility, by the minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra, and the minister of Pharmaceutical Industry, Abderrahmane Djamel Lotfi Benbahmed.
At the outset of the visit, Abiy Ahmed Ali attended a presentation on Saidal Group, its production and development plan, including its exports, made by the group's CEO, Fatoum Akacem.
The delegation later visited the different departments of the unit where its manager Amir Temmam gave information on the manufacturing process at the facility.

President Tebboune grants official reception to Ethiopian PM at headquarters of Presidency of the Republic
ALGIERS- President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, granted, on Monday, at the headquarters of the presidency of the Republic an official reception to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.
The Ethiopian Prime Minister arrived Sunday afternoon in Algiers for a two-day official visit to Algeria.
Upon his arrival at Houari-Boumediene International Airport, he was received by Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane.

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