Our 1800th day, I asked the teacher if I can go to school now. His answer was negative, so I had to stay home. It made me feel terrible.

I had a quarrel with mother in the morning, but I didn’t feel angry. I worked on the farm for a whole day, I felt very tired. And the sun hurt my back, because I didn’t wear T-shirt.

Good night, my wife.[男孩儿]

Life is not easy,don't try to make it that way.
Life is not fear, it never was, it isn't now, it won't ever be.
Do not fall into the trap, the entitlement trap,of feeling you are a victim.
You are not.
Get over it, get on.
And yes,most things are more rewarding when you sweat to get them.

#以闪亮之名[超话]#Fashion Fades, Elegance Endures
Aug 20, 2022

During the INFINITE interview,
Mira hesitated for a while, then answered the question: 'What is simplicity'

What is simplicity?
It could be an attitude, a dressing style, a manner, a principle......
It doesn't mean to lost details, but to focus on the necessaries.
Simplicity has its own elegance and is the keynote of all true elegance.
To me, simple elegance will always endure.


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