【Trámites de matrimonio en China serán más ceremoniosos | #我国将强化结婚颁证仪式感# 】En medio de las crecientes tasas de divorcio, China está considerando algunas medidas para hacer que el procedimiento de certificación de matrimonio sea más ceremonioso con el fin de ayudar a construir una atmósfera más solemne para los recién casados, pero la propuesta ha provocado cierta controversia.

【中国推动金融业有序开放 | China promoverá apertura ordenada de sector financiero】China ha acelerado el ritmo de apertura en los últimos años, dijo Liu Guoqiang, quien se refirió a medidas como la facilitación del acceso al mercado, la abolición de los límites de las cuotas de inversión para inversores institucionales extranjeros calificados (QFII) e inversores institucionales extranjeros calificados en renminbi (RQFII) y la eliminación de las barreras de entrada en sectores que incluyen calificaciones crediticias y pagos. Más: https://t.cn/A64hzFhG

⏩Crusted scabies
Norwegian scabies as it was formally known, is a highly contagious hyperinfestation with Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. It is a presentation of scabies in immune compromised patients. It may also result from misdiagnosis as psoriasis or seborrhoeic dermatitis and treatment of these disorders.⠀

⏩It is estimated that individuals with crusted scabies have up to 4,000 mites per gram of skin. Patients are often infected with over 1 million mites. Compare this to the majority of patients with scabies, who are infected with around 10–20 mites.⠀

⏩Risk factors for crusted scabies include:⠀

✅Increased age⠀
✅Down syndrome⠀
✅Human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV)⠀
✅Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)⠀
✅Long-term corticosteroid or immunosuppressant use⠀
✅Institutional accommodation – prisons and nursing homes (institutional scabies)⠀

⏩Crusted scabies begins as poorly defined red patches that then develop into thick scaly plaques between the fingers, under the nails, or diffusely over palms and soles. Other common areas include elbows and knees. Mites can also collect in nail beds, causing the nail plates to split.⠀

✅Itching in crusted scabies may be minimal or absent. This may be due to the immune compromised nature of the individual.⠀

⏩Treatment of crusted scabies should be done in an inpatient or residential setting, with the patient in a private room. Healthcare staff should take contact precautions and wear full personal protective equipment, including shoe and hair covers.⠀

✅Treatment is comprised of oral ivermectin and topical insecticides. .

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