#新鞋推荐# 拥有“超豪华”脚感的 On 拥有专利的CloudTec®技术,其设计目的是提供较好的支撑实现软着陆,此次纪念鞋款也秉持了品牌种难以置信的轻盈感,在缓冲和冲击保护方面也是格外考究,基本上会让你感觉在云端奔跑。依靠着这项核心技术,On 陆续推出了多款系列,作为 Cloud 轻量系列的鞋款, On Cloud Hi Edge 将舒适的网面材质设计鞋面,组合镂空式中底让整体更加轻盈;本次发售等四款配色分别以代表户外风格的配色组成,On Cloud Hi Edge 全新配色正在在日本 atmos 部分店铺上架,线上购买请关注:www.atmos-tokyo.com

#atmos# #atmosjapan# #On# #sneaker#

After a huge sell-off yesterday on CL, my prediction is that the market will break the trendline then tested the major low again before it finally starts a new trend or simply falls into a large trading range zone. As you can see from the chart, Yesterday, the market made a parabolic downward move, followed by a bear flag that lasts for almost 2 hours-- the length of it indicates the strength of the bull! But they may not regain the power unless the market has properly tested the low: where the sellers will cover their shorts, and new buyers are getting into the market, together they would create at least two-legged bull correction.

So my plan for the morning session was to wait for a breakout of the bear trendline, then fade it, covered at the 58.15 support level (shown by the red highlight). Because the market has shown some level of bull strength yesterday, so I figured an exit of a short at the first support level would be easier and more realistic than betting on the chance that the market will swing all the way to 58.00 or lower.

As the US market open at 9:00 AM EST, the market break above previous Lower High, giving it a great opportunity for an opening fade, I entered after the first two inside bars breakout, set a tight stop loss, get stopped out at bar 1) (shouldn't set a stop that tight, you idiot), then once the candle closed, I realize it is a classic trap bar: trap the bear out, and the bull in. I need to be quick, a major drop down is going to happen, so I immediately get back at one tick below bar 1) where the bulls are likely to be stopped out, forcing them to sell.

The market was pushed down to the moving average, create a small pullback and bar 2) tested the low of the opening candle's low. Because the prior large bear trend bars are very dominant, the minor "reversal" bull would be nothing but a pullback, so I added another short position on bar 2, expected to get out at 58.15, the first support level, and hopefully swing it to the second 58.00 support level, if the momentum is strong (which does not happen).

I get out some at the first target, however, after hitting 58.15, the market soon started a tight trading range. I was worried, how big is the chance that the market will break out to the downside of the range, and hit my second target at 58.00? Well, after 35 minutes of waiting, the chance is low... So I have to get out again at 58.18 and leave for the class.

②前3分钟拍2件。凑单一元。叠加140-10。【60.9】Walch/威露士泡沫抑菌洗手液300mlx2+袋装300mlx2+送洁手液20mlx2 $cl8cYDo83on$,

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