【在梵高的星夜里遇见卡通人物 哪张是你的最爱?】Quand la célèbre peinture La Nuit étoilée de Vincent Van Gogh rencontre la Pop Culture, une série amusante et décalée imaginée par l’artiste Aja Kusick, qui insère les personnages cultes sous de jolis ciels étoilés. De Totoro à Adventure Time en passant par Bob l’Éponge, Mario, Snoopy ou Pikachu, une collection à découvrir sur sa boutique Etsy.

#新书推荐#《Genius 》From the author of the national bestseller Chaos comes an outstanding biography of one of the most dazzling and flamboyant scientists of the 20th century that "not only paints a highly attractive portrait of Feynman but also . . . makes for a stimulating adventure in the annals of science" (The New York Times).索书号:K837.126.11/F435 G.多元文化馆

Ushuaia, Argentina
The last port for ships headed to Antarctica, Ushuaia is the gateway to the end of the world. Known for having the longest ski season in South America, it's perfect for snow bunnies as well as adventure-seekers looking to hike on the Glacier El Martial, which creeps up to the base of the city. In the summer, the vistas over the deep blue waters of the Beagle Channel, a shipping route, are simply breathtaking.

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