【乔治小王子新学期课表曝光 英文、数学还有芭蕾课…】Prince George, the five-year-old royal will say goodbye to his summer holidays and step into Year One at St Thomas' Battersea in London. In the UK, Year One is the first full year of compulsory education during which children aged five will be given some normal subjects like English and mathematics. Apart from the normal curriculum, Prince George will learn some new subjects, like computing, religious studies and geography. It is noteworthy that the young member of the royal family will take part in a 35-minute ballet class every week. According to the school's curriculum guidelines, the dancing syllabus aims at “developing students' physical skills, stamina, creativity, expression and musicality.”

One day trip to Cambridge last weekend.
I think Cambridge is an old but fascinating place. Some of the colleges are more than 800 years old. The most popular colleges, like St John’s College, Trinity College, the Kings College are always busy. I even attended the chapel service like a Christian at Kings College Chapel. The organ and carol sound very good. I would like to visit again even though I really don’t understand the Bible.
The apple tree which is said to be a descendant of the actual tree, which helped Newton to form the theory of gravitation.
When I walked at the campus, it always seems that someone who walked pass you might be the next great man in the future [笑cry]
I had never imagined I would have BBQ at the University of Cambridge[笑cry] https://t.cn/z8UHvMh

【霍金葬礼月底举行 骨灰将与牛顿达尔文为邻】The funeral of the world famous physicist Steven Hawking will take place at the St. Mary's University Church in the UK at 2 p.m. on Mar. 31. His remains are to be buried in London’s Westminster Abbey, neighboring a series of historic figures including Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, according to the Abbey on Tuesday. It is also said that a Service of Thanksgiving for Hawking will be held later this year. #霍金骨灰与牛顿达尔文为邻# #霍金#

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  • ​等到了东南,才发现早已错过了那个谁!​天还没黑,我还在散发着光辉。
  • so不会再因为这种事情吵架啦,喜欢张哥是因为他的实力,歌声,还有真诚(也许有亿点颜吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼)而不是所谓的应援色,我明白应援色是饭圈文化重要的一部分
  • 《佛说无量寿经》:18愿:设我得佛,十方众生,至心信乐,欲生我国,乃至十念,若不生者,不取正觉。”因为能有缘遇到阿弥陀佛名号的人就不是一般的人,据《无量寿经》记
  • 當時佛身上所穿的袈裟有一些破洞,乞食結束後回到精舍,即有一婆羅門跟隨而來,恭敬地向佛問訊作禮,說道:「我在城內看見您的相貌圓滿莊嚴,行走間威儀堂堂,令人十分敬重
  • 后来去喝奶茶,店员好像是新来的,点单都找不到铁观音奶冻,递奶茶的时候也磨磨叽叽,真的不知道为什么不把工作熟悉好再上岗,男朋友准备接的时候我一把抢过,那个店员惊讶
  • 2022我们都一起经历了一些事,每个人又独自经历了一些事,很多曾经非常坚固的东西被轻易打破,这其中饱含着不适应、脱离舒适圈的焦虑,但是退一步来说,暂时的混乱也是
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  • 2301燃油在月底前很难上2700了,今日价与现货价差500,期货这价格接近去年最低点,季线严重破位,2200可能性不到万一,但月底前做庄的压到下月变2401再
  • 一切造作皆源乎心,只要我们有善心天传播正能量是一份积极的心态,使自己的内心充满自信、豁达、愉悦、进取;使别人感到暖和、温馨、亲切、友善2.追星安利文案扣键盘,扒
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