
1. illustrate=show=be a sign=demonstrate=mean=make clear=reflect=tell=be evidence=reveal 表明,显示 v.

2. cornerstone=basis=foundation=the key 基石 n.

3. stability=the condition of being steady and not changing 稳定 n.

4. bring=confer=award=present=grant=confer=allocate=offer 带来 v.

5. time limit=deadline 时间限制,期限 n.

6. increase=go up/rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=expand=pick up=widen=intensify=build up 增加

7. assistant=helper=coach 助手 n.

8. immense=big=major=considerable=great=huge/enormous=tremendous=large scale/large-scale 巨大的 adj.

9. produce=develop=manufacture 生产 v.

10. quotation=a phrase or sentence that is well-known or often used 引用语 n.

11. predecessor=someone who had your job before you started doing it 前辈,前任 n.

12. rival=a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc=competitor 对手,竞争者 n.

13. distraction=something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing 分心 的事物 n.

14. fault=defect=problem=trouble=flaw=weakness =bug=virus=be something wrong with 错误,缺点

15. central=middle 中心的 adj.

16. confer=award=present=grant=allocate 给予 v.

17. did not have=without 没有 v.

18. prevail=win=come out on top=prevail=carry the day 流行,获胜 v.

19. contract=agreement=understanding=compromise 合约 n.

20. grant=award=present=confer=allocate 给予 v.

21. fascinate=if someone or something fascinates you, you are attracted to them and think they are extremely interesting 吸引,使着迷 v.

22. disturb=interrupt=bother=distract=put somebody off 打扰 v.

23. expect=think=anticipate 预期,期待 v.

24. psychology=the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior 心理学 n. 25. obey=comply with=abide by=keep to=stick to the rules=conform to=observe=respect=toe the line=go by the book/do something by the book 服从,顺从 v.

26. identity=someone's identity is their name or who they are 身份 n.

27. severity=used of the degree of something undesirable 严重性 n.

28. unfold=open=happen=develop=expand 展开,发生 v.

29. deliberately=intentionally=on purpose=purposely 故意地 adv.

30. moral=relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the difference between good and evil 道德上的,与道德有关的 adj.

31. prior to=before=previous 在…前面

32. repetition=doing or saying the same thing many times 重复 n.

33. genetic=relating to genes or genetics 基因的,遗传学的 adj.

34. sacrifice=when you decide not to have something valuable, in order to get something that is more important 牺牲 v.

35. victim=someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered 受害者 n.

36. forge=form=counterfeit 形成;伪造 v.

37. persuade=convince=win over=talk around 说服 v.

38. surrender=give in 投降,放弃 v.

39. extinct=an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore=disappear=vanish 灭绝的,绝种的 adj.

40. abundant=plenty=ample 充裕的,丰富的 adj.

41. exaggerate=overstate 夸张,夸大 v.

42. phenomenon=something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand 现象 n.

43. perception=idea=notion=view=belief=insight 认识,观念,看法 n.

44. impression=infection=effect=influence=affection 印象,感想 n.

45. entitle=to give someone the official right to do or have something 使某人有权利/ 资格 v.

46. distortion=a change for the worse=deformation 扭曲,曲解 v.

47. dispose=to arrange things or put them in their places=arrange=settle=manage=cope with=deal with 安排,处理 v.

48. intuition=the ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts=instinct 直觉 n.

49. emission=a gas or other substance that is sent into the air 排放物,散发物 n.

50. diminish=reduce=decrease=fall=lessen=cut 减少,减小 v.

51. postpone=put back=delay=adjourn 延期,推迟 v.

52. crucial=important=critical=vital=necessary=essential 至关重要的 adj.

53. pessimistic=expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result=getting worse 悲观的 adj.

54. attempt=purpose=order=effort 尝试,努力

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova suggested that in ordering the killing, U.S. President Donald Trump had one eye on his re-election campaign.
“The U.S. military were acting on orders of U.S. politicians. Everyone should remember and understand that U.S. politicians have their interests, considering that this year is an election year,” Zakharova said in a TV interview.
Trump's election opponents characterized the killing as reckless, with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden saying the U.S. president “tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox."

给自己立个flag不能这样子了,要positive、要happy、要go out当下窘境、不然别人拉也拉不住,不要给自己机会sang,学会面对问题解决问题思虑周全,还可以再细致些
Please stick to it https://t.cn/z8Esx7P

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