funny a.滑稽的,可笑的
fur n.毛,毛皮
furious a.狂怒的,狂暴的,猛烈的
furnace n.炉子,熔炉
furnish v.供应,提供;装备,布置

furniture n.家具
further ad./a.更远,更往前;进一步 v.促进,增进
furthermore ad.而且,此外
fuse n.保险丝,导火线,引信 v.熔化,熔合
fuss n./v.忙乱,大惊小怪

futile a.无效的,无用的,无希望的
future n.将来,未来;前途,前景 a.将来的,未来的
gain v.获得;增加;表等走快 n.增进,增加;收益
galaxy n.星系;(the Galaxy)银河(系);一群显赫的人
gallery n.长廊,画廊,美术馆
#2023考研# #考研英语#

<纽约时报>: "Bucha’s Month of Terror."

It was only when he returned after the Russians pulled out of Kyiv that Mr. Shepitko discovered just how far the Russian soldiers had gone. His house had been ransacked, filled with rubbish and beer bottles. Then, in a cellar under the garden shed, his nephew discovered the body of a woman. Slumped sitting down, bare legs akimbo, she wore a fur coat and nothing else.

She had been shot in the head, and he found two bullet casings on the ground. When the police pulled her out and conducted a search, they found torn condom wrappers and one used condom upstairs in the house.

The abuse of the woman was one case of many, said Ukraine’s official ombudswoman for human rights, Lyudmyla Denisova. She said she had recorded horrific cases of sexual violence by Russian troops in Bucha and other places, including one in which a group of women and girls were kept in a basement of a house for 25 days. Nine of them are now pregnant, she said.

When the ship began to sink, lda was placed in a lifeboat expecting her husband to follow. But he refused until every woman and childhad a seat. lda refused to leave her husband, affectionately said"where you go, i go, i will not be separated from my husband, as we have lived, so we die, together", Idea stepped off the boat, and insisted her newly hired English maid, Ellen Bird to get into the lifeboat, gave her a fur coat, stating she would not be needing it, and join her husband back on the doomed liner. they were last seen arm in arm awaiting their fate. They were died in this tragic accident of Titanic in 1912.

the inscription behind the statue reads"Lovely and pleasant were they in their lives and in their death they were not divided. "
such deeply love.

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