#微博里什么最值得你留恋#这个B装的我给82分,剩下的18分以666的形式给你Linking can be used in the expression 'take into considerrationWhen one of the plosives /p,t,k/ is preceded by /s/ , it Nigger is seen as a taboo word.is a word borrowed from French.The suffix -al can be an adjective suffix or a noun suffix


面对当代移民潮所引发的挑战,我们可以归结出四个动词作为响应:即接纳、保护、发展和融入。如果我们能够将之付诸实行,将有助于兴建天主的城邑、砌造人性的城市。 # 国际移民日


IT: La risposta alla sfida posta dalle migrazioni contemporanee si può riassumere in quattro verbi: accogliere, proteggere, promuovere e integrare. Se li mettiamo in pratica, contribuiamo a costruire la città di Dio e dell’uomo. #InternationalMigrantsDay

ES: La respuesta al desafío planteado por las migraciones contemporáneas se puede resumir en cuatro verbos: acoger, proteger, promover e integrar. Si los ponemos en práctica, contribuimos a edificar la ciudad de Dios y del hombre. #InternationalMigrantsDay

EN: Our response to the challenges posed by contemporary migration can be summed up in four verbs: welcome, protect, promote and integrate. If we put them into practice, we will help build the city of God and man. #InternationalMigrantsDay

FR: La réponse au défi posé par les migrations contemporaines peut se résumer en quatre verbes : accueillir, protéger, promouvoir et intégrer. Si nous les mettons pratique, nous contribuons à construire la cité de Dieu et de l’homme. #InternationalMigrantsDay

PL: Odpowiedź na wyzwania stawiane przez współczesne migracje można ująć w czterech słowach: przyjąć, chronić, promować i integrować. Jeśli wprowadzimy je w życie, przyczynimy się do budowania miasta Bożego i miasta człowieka. #MiędzynarodowyDzieńMigrantów

PT: A resposta ao desafio apresentado pelas migrações contemporâneas pode ser resumida em quatro verbos: acolher, proteger, promover e integrar. Se os colocarmos em prática, contribuiremos a construir a cidade de Deus e do homem. #InternationalMigrantsDay

DE: DE: Antwort auf die Herausforderung der gegenwärtigen Migration lässt sich in vier Verben zusammenfassen: aufnehmen, schützen, fördern und integrieren. Wenn wir sie in die Praxis umsetzen, tragen wir zum Aufbau der Stadt Gottes und des Menschen bei. #InternationalMigrantsDay

LN: Hodiernis migrantibus occurrentes, summatim quattuor verba usurpare debemus: recipere, protegere, promovere, includere. Si hoc re facimus, Dei hominisque civitati aedificandae operam damus.

AR:يمكن تلخيص الإجابة على التحدّي الذي تمثّله الهجرة المعاصرة في أربعة أفعال: استضافة، وحماية، ومساندة، ودمج. إذا وضعنا هذه الأفعال موضع التنفيذ، فسوف نساهم في بناء مدينة الله والإنسان.



1. 将烤箱200°C预热(400华氏度)。取一烤盘,倒入小番茄,淋入2勺橄榄油,盐和黑胡椒粉调味,放入烤箱烤15~20分钟。同时烧一锅水,水开后,入盐,煮面,比建议时间少煮1分钟。煮好后沥水。
2. 另取一煎锅,中火,倒入剩余的3勺橄榄油,蒜和凤尾鱼,炒3、4分钟,直到凤尾鱼炒碎化开、蒜香溢出。倒入黑橄榄、酸豆、辣椒面儿和西红柿,倒入意面,翻炒1分钟,略收汁后,撒入西芹碎和罗勒碎,翻炒几下,出锅装盘,撒上和帕玛森干酪粉即可。

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 30 mins
Total Time: 40 mins
Servings : 4 servings
Calories: 614kca

12 oz. dried thin spaghetti (340g)
2 pints cherry tomatoes (or grape tomatoes, about 300g)
5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (divided)
Salt and pepper
6 cloves garlic (sliced)
4 anchovy fillets
2/3 cup Kalamata olives (pitted and roughly chopped)
3 tablespoons drained capers
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
3 tablespoons fresh Italian parsley (chopped)
3 tablespoons basil
Grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F, and bring a large pot of salted water to a boil for the spaghetti. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, drizzle the cherry tomatoes with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Transfer to your preheated oven and roast for 15 to 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat a large skillet (large enough to toss all your pasta in) over medium heat. Add the remaining 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, along with the garlic and anchovies. Cook for 3-4 minutes, until the anchovies have melted into the oil and the garlic is fragrant.
By now, your water should be boiling. Add the spaghetti and cook according to package instructions, shaving off 1 minute of cooking time (i.e. the pasta should be just under “al dente.”)
To the garlic and anchovies, add the the olives, capers, red pepper flakes, and tomatoes. Toss in the pasta, and toss everything together for a minute, allowing the pasta to absorb the liquid in the pan. Toss in the herbs, and serve with Parmesan

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