#法国乡村生活笔记# 雪滴花开了。#法语# 里雪滴花的通用名是perce-neige。直译就是穿透雪的意思。试想在那些冬天下雪又留得住雪的地方,白茫茫的大地上突然出现几点新绿。很难不让人感受到植物生长的力量和春天即将到来的希望。而在冬天越来越难见到雪的#卢瓦尔河谷# ,开放的雪滴花倒像是积雪一样覆在草地上,加成了不是很浓郁的冬日风情。
雪滴花开对于我还有一个重要的指示作用:新一年的种植季即将开始。室内窗前给土豆种薯催芽,播种韭葱、芹菜;室外清理地块,种植大蒜、豌豆、蚕豆......这些工作够我一直忙活到三月。春天又来了,在周而复始的生活里寻找到新意,是绝顶厉害的本事。满怀希望,支棱起来。 https://t.cn/RxDz82m

【#TopCGTN# 印度摄影师捕捉生死瞬间 鹬鸟捕食大鱼】Un photographe indien capture des moments entre la vie et la mort alors qu'un bécasseau se nourrit d'un gros poisson. Un bécasseau perce un gros poisson de son bec pointu. Une autre photo montre que le bécasseau a avalé le poisson en entier. Ces photos étonnantes ont été prises par le photographe animalier indien Vijay Pal Singh (45 ans) dans le parc national de Keoladeo en Inde.

The human eye is a sense organ that reacts to light and allows vision. Rod and cone cells in the retina are photoreceptive cells which are able to detect visible light and convey this information to the brain. Eyes signal information which is used by the brain to elicit the perception of color, shape, depth, movement, and other features. The eye is part of the sensory nervous system.
The eyes sit in bony cavities called the orbits, in the skull. The front visible part of the eye is made up of the whitish sclera, a colored iris, and the pupil. A thin layer called the conjunctiva sits on top of this. The front part is also called the anterior segment of the eye.
The eye is made up of three coats, or layers, enclosing various anatomical structures. The outermost layer, known as the fibrous tunic, is composed of the cornea and sclera, which provide shape to the eye and support the deeper structures. The middle layer, known as the vascular tunic or uvea, consists of the choroid, ciliary body, pigmented epithelium and iris. The innermost is the retina, which gets its oxygenation from the blood vessels of the choroid (posteriorly) as well as the retinal vessels (anteriorly).
The spaces of the eye are filled with the aqueous humour anteriorly, between the cornea and lens, and the vitreous body, a jelly-like substance, behind the lens, filling the entire posterior cavity. The aqueous humour is a clear watery fluid that is contained in two areas: the anterior chamber between the cornea and the iris, and the posterior chamber between the iris and the lens. The lens is suspended to the ciliary body by the suspensory ligament (Zonule of Zinn), made up of hundreds of fine transparent fibers which transmit muscular forces to change the shape of the lens for accommodation (focusing). The vitreous body is a clear substance composed of water and proteins, which give it a jelly-like and sticky composition.
Each eye has six extraocular muscles that control its movements: the lateral rectus, the medial rectus, the inferior rectus, the superior rectus, the inferior oblique, and the superior oblique.


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