Goodbye! Bing Dwen Dwen! Bingdundun will stop production from tomorrow A sample of the diamond version of "Bingdundun" appeared in the licensed retail store of the Winter Olympics in Zhengzhou, Henan for a three-day display. It is understood that the diamond version of "Bing Dun Dun" is about 16cm high and the base is about 10cm in diameter. The reporter learned from the flagship store of licensed merchandise for the Winter Olympics that various licensed merchandise, including Bingdundun, will continue to be sold until September.

#多地缩短入境隔离时间# 【多地入境集中隔离时间缩短一半!国际航班渐渐多了起来】国务院联防联控机制综合组28日公布了《新型冠状病毒肺炎防控方案(第九版)》,新版防控方案相比旧版有哪些调整?29日上午,省新冠肺炎防治专家组(公共卫生)专家、省疾控中心急性传染病防制所所长、主任医师鲍倡俊进行了解读。其中,优化调整了风险人员的隔离管理期限和方式。将密切接触者、入境人员隔离管控时间从“14天集中隔离医学观察+7天居家健康监测”,调整为“7天集中隔离医学观察+3天居家健康监测”,次密接的管控措施从“7天集中隔离医学观察”调整为“7天居家隔离”。据中国新闻网,中国民航局运输司司长梁楠17日在民航局召开的新闻发布会上称,目前,在中国国务院联防联控机制统筹下,民航局正在与部分国家商谈,逐步、稳妥增加定期国际客运航班,满足人员往来需要。梁楠表示,疫情以来,民航局采取科学、精准、动态的国际客运航班调控措施,在保持与54国定期国际客运航线基本通联的同时,有效防止疫情跨境传播。
After China shortened the COVID-19 quarantine period for inbound international travelers on Tuesday, the volume of international flights booked online quickly surged and airlines are bullish about growth prospects. Inbound travelers only need to undergo centralized quarantine at hotels for seven days, instead of 14 days, and then spend three days rather than seven days of self-quarantine at home, according to a document released by the State Council, the country's Cabinet, on Tuesday. Just one hour after the new policy's release, online searches for international flights on Qunar, a Beijing-based online travel agency, increased dramatically, and actual booking volume jumped nearly 60 percent compared with the same period a week ago. https://t.cn/A6aViObr

What do we mean when we talk about a "green planet"?
It's simple: for example, organic farms that don't use any artificial fertilizers or pesticides
For example, using biodegradable, safe, and environmentally friendly cleaning products
For example, repurposing old product packaging to create a green vegetable garden ️
Another example…
Share some with me in the comments section~

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