London IQ Shoreditch学生宿舍 随时入住-9月4号
Studio 户型很好 厨房卧室小客(是的 有小客厅的studio)都完全隔开了
Floor15 最高层 窗外啊景色超级好(如图二)
位置超好!N1 6FX Old street出门就是公交站 10分钟步行至old street地铁站
公寓24小时有保安 超级安全
官网价格 £616 pw 现在 £435 这个studio户型伦敦学生公寓里真的蛮难得!!

London IQ Shoreditch学生宿舍 随时入住-9月4号
Studio 户型很好 厨房卧室小客(是的 有小客厅的studio)都完全隔开了
Floor15 最高层 窗外啊景色超级好(如图二)
位置超好!N1 6FX Old street出门就是公交站 10分钟步行至old street地铁站
公寓24小时有保安 超级安全
官网价格 £616 pw 现在 £435(可小刀) 这个studio户型伦敦学生公寓里真的蛮难得!!

今日#英语# #阅读# 分享——Millennium-old tomb restored in China's Shanxi中国山西修复的千年古墓
Source: XinhuaEditor: huaxia2021-12-27 21:02:30

TAIYUAN, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- An ancient tomb with rare murals dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) has been restored in north China's Shanxi Province, according to the Taiyuan Northern Qi Dynasty Mural Museum.

The tomb was discovered in an elementary school in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi, in 2019 and later moved to the museum for protection and restoration.

According to the epitaph, the tomb owner Guo Xing was a mid-ranking military officer in the Tang Dynasty. The roof, walls, coffin bed, corridors and the doors of the tomb were all decorated with exquisite murals.

Defects in the murals such as fissures, hollows and blemishes have been fixed, and the tomb will open to the public in the future, said the museum.

Interestingly, various figures in the mural paintings appear to be making "V" signs with their middle and index fingers.

The exquisite murals of the tomb reveal the noble status of the tomb owner and attest to its historical, artistic and scientific value, said Feng Gang, a researcher at the Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics Protection. Enditem

p1:Undated file photo provided by Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics Protection shows a part of restored murals of an ancient tomb dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in Taiyuan, north China's Shanxi Province. The tomb was discovered in an elementary school in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi, in 2019 and later moved to the museum for protection and restoration.

Defects in the murals such as fissures, hollows and blemishes have been fixed, and the tomb will open to the public in the future, said the Taiyuan Northern Qi Dynasty Mural Museum.

Interestingly, various figures in the mural paintings appear to be making "V" signs with their middle and index fingers. (Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics Protection/Handout via Xinhua)

p2:Undated file photo provided by Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics Protection shows a part of restored murals of an ancient tomb dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in Taiyuan, north China's Shanxi Province. The tomb was discovered in an elementary school in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi, in 2019 and later moved to the museum for protection and restoration.Defects in the murals such as fissures, hollows and blemishes have been fixed, and the tomb will open to the public in the future, said the Taiyuan Northern Qi Dynasty Mural Museum.Interestingly, various figures in the mural paintings appear to be making "V" signs with their middle and index fingers. (Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics Protection/Handout via Xinhua)
p3:Undated file photo provided by Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics Protection shows a part of restored murals of an ancient tomb dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in Taiyuan, north China's Shanxi Province. The tomb was discovered in an elementary school in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi, in 2019 and later moved to the museum for protection and restoration.Defects in the murals such as fissures, hollows and blemishes have been fixed, and the tomb will open to the public in the future, said the Taiyuan Northern Qi Dynasty Mural Museum.Interestingly, various figures in the mural paintings appear to be making "V" signs with their middle and index fingers. (Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics Protection/Handout via Xinhua)


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