
1、《always getting over you 》

2、《girl in the mirror 》

3、《I could be the one》

4、《It’s only the fairy tale》

5、《again and again》

6、《pretty young thing 》

7、《never grow old 》

8、《going home》

9、《the long goodbye》




1、《stuck in my heart 》

2、《Here I am》

3、《all good things》


5、《one better》


7、《don’t turn off the light》

8、《back to you》

9、《moonlight shadow》

10、Becouse of you

11、Never say goodbye

12、The tower

13、Life is so cool

14、The boy I used to know

15、Mars and Venus


Only you…就像《大话西游》里的唐僧一样,根本不考虑人家的感受,只是自顾自的一直在说,虽然里面充满了关心,充满了爱,但是在像苍蝇一样的在耳边萦绕的时候,任谁也不想接受,所以不要以爱之名释放自己的情绪。

The patient is a 29-year-old male who was seriously burned by molten steel (about 1,500°C) from the top of the head throughout the body, in an accidental furnace explosion. Except for a small piece of unburned skin on the posterior head measuring about 0.5% TBSA, the rest of the scalp and the face suffered deep second degree burns, and the trunk and the 4 extremities were full of black eschar. When the extremities were incised to reduce tension, muscular eversion and necrosis were seen. The fingers of both hands and toes of both feet were carbonized, presenting as branch-like dry necrosis. The left eye was severely burned and the cornea was perforated. A diagnosis was made of 99.5% TBSA burn wound, 5.5% deep second degree, 71% third degree and 23% fourth degree, and left eye burn with corneal perforation.

Fluid resuscitation, anti-infection therapy, mechanical ventilation, and maintenance of internal environmental stability were continued on admission to protect organ functions. The patient overcame the shock phase in stable condition. On the 3rd day after the injury, escharectomy was performed, involving 65% TBSA, and the wound was covered with nitrogen-preserved alloskin. As there was only 0.5% TBSA normal scalp available “microskin autografting and alloskin repeated grafting” method was used to repair the wound as soon as possible for the sake of preventing infection, which included using alloskin to cover and protect the wound temporarily, and repeated microskin grafting to sequentially close the wound. The entire course of treatment lasted 120 days, during which 14 operations were done.
In the course of treatment, though perceiving the magnitude of his disease, the patient healed relatively fast and there was no obvious functional damage to the patient’s heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs. Unfortunately, due to amputation and scar contraction, patient lost his ability to walk and to hold objects, among other survival skills. However, with the support of his family, he preserved the will to live and face reality.

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  • 友情都这样,爱情不更是么。回复他“没有”的时候,我有种累得没办法有情绪的感觉。
  • 就去接受你的不开心吧,一旦接受了,它就会消失了,不开心不是真实的,它只是假我的一部分,只是一个幻影。所以如果你不开心,你就真实地表达说:是的,我不开心了。
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  • ?咱俩这是谈恋爱吗?