【中国科技实力实现历史性跨越】【China makes great strides in scientific and technological strength】China has made great strides in its scientific and technological strength in the 70 years since its founding, thanks to the efforts of countless Chinese scientists.

Learning English through News
Decade of 'exceptional' heat likely to be hottest on record, experts say
World Meteorological Organization says 2019 is likely to be second or third warmest year ever
The last decade has been one of “exceptional” heat around the world, and was almost certainly the hottest on record, while the oceans have also warmed to record levels and grown markedly more acidic, the World Meteorological Organization has said.
Temperatures for the years from 2010 to 2019 were about 1.1C above the average for the pre-industrial period, showing how close the world is coming to the 1.5C of warming that scientists say will cause dramatic impacts, extreme weather and the loss of vital ecosystems.

The preliminary findings of the State of the Global Climate, an annual publication by the WMO, show that this year is on course to be the second or third warmest since records began.

Over land, the impacts from January to October have included severe droughts, heatwaves and floods across all inhabited continents, and over the seas there have also been heatwaves.

During the past year, the upper levels of the oceans, measured since the 1950s, have exceeded previous records so far this year, and the ocean experienced about 1.5 months of unusually warm temperatures, with large areas of the north-east Pacific showing severe heatwaves. The Arctic sea ice minimum in September was the third smallest on record. The final version of the report will be published in March.

#李东勋[超话]##神主唱´◡` 李东勋##ACE[超话]#
【191210 官推更新】



Choice! 风很大

Busking in front of Jane’s Carousel at 2pm, today. Since it is a small space, we will appreciate it if you can be mindful of the park courtesy.
See you soon.

A light rain with strong winds is expected in Brooklyn. Please take your umbrella with you and stay warm. We are very excited to meet you!


cr. official_ACE7

✨招新公告✨【https://t.cn/RHri4FE】 ​​​

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