然是柔忍者,因為和能合眾,柔能克剛。 If you want to bring peace to others, be in harmony with them. If you wish to sway others, be accommodating. To establish harmony is to unite people, as the soft can conquer the hard.---聖嚴法師 Master Sheng Yen

Kobe Day2


Japan Tour has ended.
Thanks so much for all your support.
We'll move on to an Asia Tour. Be ready you guys photo by Takeshi Yao



Every since I first got my hands into clay
I've seen the subtle power of surrounding ourselves with meaningful
and quality goods
These objects
when made with care
and selected with love
have a way of encouraging us
to stop and be present in the moment
They're vessels for the goods
that we use and display
but also for whispers from late night conversations
we share over and over
and feelings we want to hold onto......

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