#better me#
——我的梦想并没有change the world那么大呀 只希望每天进步 to be a better me呀
——如果上场面试再有一次机会 我会改进blablabla 但是呢 大概我不会选择这样的机会 不同的moment才能激发不同的idea呀 maybe I can’t creat those ideas anymore at the second chance
——我喜欢看电影刺猬的优雅 我一直想成为内心是有宝藏的人[微风]
厉害的人儿能做好每一件事儿呀 真的遇见了好多好多优秀的人儿 颖要加油呀

 If it be true that our thoughts and mental images are perfectly tangible things, like our books and pictures, to the inhabitants of the next world, then I am making for myself a better reputation there than I am in this place.
Give me an hour or two in dream and I can creat, to my own satisfaction, a wonderful world.

If prime minister Narendra Modi hadn’t thrown a last-minute spanner in the works, the world’s biggest cross-border trade pact would have been inked by now.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), from which India pulled out earlier this month, proposed to create a common trade block comprising 10 ASEAN nations along with China, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, and Japan. India bolted at the prospect of cheap Chinese goods and dairy products from Australia flooding its market, citing the interests of its farmers and small businesses.

While globalisation does have its limits, it is indisputable that international trade is an engine of growth. The policy of protectionism and isolationism in the three decades following India’s Independence only created a low-growth economy. India’s integration with the global economy, in the 1990s, benefitted it hugely. The IT and pharmaceutical sectors exemplify the benefits of global integration and liberal trade.

Disassociating with the RCEP can only reverse these gains.

The decision to pull out of the pact was surprising also because Modi had so far touted an “Act East” foreign policy, focussing on greater economic ties with the Asia-Pacific region, which includes ASEAN.

“When I measure the RCEP agreement with respect to the interests of Indians, I do not get a positive answer. Therefore, neither the talisman of Gandhiji nor my own conscience permits me to join RCEP,” Modi had said on Nov. 4 at the RCEP summit in Bangkok.

The remaining 15 nations have stated they are ready to go ahead and sign the deal in 2020. But what made the RCEP pact so unpalatable to the Modi government?

Common market
Negotiations on RCEP began in 2012 with the goal of creating an integrated market spanning 16 countries. The free trade agreement (FTA) was meant to make it easier for products and services of each country to move freely across this region.

The 16 nations, including India, would have accounted for over 3 billion people, or 45% of the world’s population, a combined GDP of about $21.3 trillion, and about 40% of world trade.

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