We are giving you exactly what you need in these transmissions. We are able to deliver so much more to you than the words Daniel here speaks could possibly convey to you. We are delivering to you messages within the messages, and when you receive these transmissions, you are getting the downloads, upgrades, and activations that you need. We know which ones will receive each transmission within twenty-four hours with a high degree of certainty. We cannot see ‘the future,’ of course, because there is more than one.

But we know what you need, and we deliver it. This is also how your Earth operates and how your sun operates. This is how your guides work with you. This is how so many other benevolent beings are serving humanity, and so, it is up to all of you to allow in what is being given. This is why we encourage you to connect with your sun and your planet. We hope that you connect with us because of how you feel to you, and we know that many of you do. We want you to connect with your guides for the same reason. We want you to connect with them because they are your friends, because they love you unconditionally, and because they have devoted themselves to you for this entire experience.

We were going to say, ‘For this entire lifetime,’ but after you shift, your guides will move on to something else. You will get a new set of guides. You will also get more access to your fifth dimensional chakra system. Right now, you tap in to that chakra system in certain moments, but you are still largely governed by the third-dimensional chakras that you were born with because you still have work to do within that system.

When you have fuller access to chakras eight through twelve, you are going to feel much more powerful, much more in tune with all of the higher frequency energies. You will be your higher selves, and you will feel us more clearly. Your guides are seventh dimensional, which means they are closer to you. We are talking about your personal, specific spirit guides. Any of you can experience an ascended master or an archangel as a guide, but your personal spirit guides are your friends. They are your soul family members, and if you feel for them, you will know that you are never alone, and you will feel their love.

If you talk to them and only listen with your inner ear for a response, you might give up. But if you show your appreciation for these beautiful beings and feel for the love coming back to you, that’s when you will know you have guidance, support, and unconditional love around you at all times. That is how we want you to experience us from now on, and that is certainly how we want you to experience your spirit guides from now on.

We are the Arcturian Council 谢谢亲爱的大角星仁儿!我知道了。I LOVE YOU![抱抱][抱抱][抱抱]感谢所有的爱!LOVE! https://t.cn/AigSxjeB

感恩节快乐! 我们十分的感谢所有的伙伴们、支持者和捐赠者们帮助实现减少儿童肥胖的愿景。
Happy Thanksgiving We are thankful and extremely grateful for all of our partners, supporters, and donors who help make our mission to reduce childhood obesity a reality Without you, we would not be able to provide life-changing programs and initiatives to children and families ‍‍‍

#百日词汇打卡| Day 68

“renewable”可以拆分成三个部分,第一个部分是“re”表示“重新,再一次”,第二部分的“new”使它本身的含义“新的”,后面的“able”表示“能够”。我们可以想象一下一些废物利用的项目,比如说把废旧的纸、塑料等等东西重新做成衣服还有其他日常用品,是不是就像变成了新的一样呢?所以“能够把东西重新变成新的”,就是“renewable”的含义:“可持续的,可再生的,可更新的”。 https://t.cn/AigaDs3R

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  • ***气生力,厚生苍,深生浑,浑生润,润生韵;气厚乃苍,神和乃润,得雄浑者可肆情挥洒,否则成“流 俗”之病;王 羲 之未得“气 厚”得气清,讥为“姿 媚”;启
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